Historical Researcher

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Hi my name is constantine13th and I would be very much interested in helping this mod in regards to  historical information. Whilst I have no knowledge of how to make a computer game . I  know a vast amount of information regarding medieval and dark age history , particularly the Byzantine empire which is my favourite area in history, however I also have a vast wealth of information regarding The kingdom of England which I have done an A level for. Which I feel could be particularly useful to such a great mod because I feel more information could be given to make this great empire even greater in the game. If you are interested in letting me help you in this area please let me know.


Constantine13th said:
Hi my name is constantine13th and I would be very much interested in helping this mod in regards to  historical information. Whilst I have no knowledge of how to make a computer game . I  know a vast amount of information regarding medieval and dark age history , particularly the Byzantine empire which is my favourite area in history, however I also have a vast wealth of information regarding The kingdom of England which I have done an A level for. Which I feel could be particularly useful to such a great mod because I feel more information could be given to make this great empire even greater in the game. If you are interested in letting me help you in this area please let me know.



Thank you for offering us your help. If you want, you can take a look at the settlements for England and France (they're posted at the Development Thread).

Also, I can send you the stuff I got so far concerning the Byzantine Empire. Settlements and lords, etc. Take a look around, tell us how can you help or what do you think could be improved.

Thanks again!
Anyone need a basque researcher for Navarre? I know Cesar is catalan and everything, so probably not, but still.. maybe specific words like Lancer: Lantzari , Knight: Zaldizko or Soldier/Warrior: Gudari, etc.

Thank you very much  ce'sar de quart, that should not  be a problem getting hold of  of information regarding Byzantine and English towns,villages and lords during the year 1200. I also have some suggestions regarding the manpower article put up on your forum and also the new recruitment system you have suggested in regards of the Byzantine s.

Thank you very much again for given me the opportunity to help shape in a small way 1200 mod.

P.S. I should also be able  to get hold of information regarding Scottish and welsh settlements and lords as well.
Nerius said:
Anyone need a basque researcher for Navarre? I know Cesar is catalan and everything, so probably not, but still.. maybe specific words like Lancer: Lantzari , Knight: Zaldizko or Soldier/Warrior: Gudari, etc.


Gudari is singular or plural?

If you have some information on Basque warfare, we'd be thankful.
Cèsar de Quart said:
Nerius said:
Anyone need a basque researcher for Navarre? I know Cesar is catalan and everything, so probably not, but still.. maybe specific words like Lancer: Lantzari , Knight: Zaldizko or Soldier/Warrior: Gudari, etc.

Gudari is singular or plural?

If you have some information on Basque warfare, we'd be thankful.

Gudari - singular
Gudariak - plural

but please keep in mind that the basque language has it's limitations that you already know of, so a lot of it is simply a 'more or less' scenario, a lot of times there are no direct translations. Gudari is literally warrior, no such word in the language for 'soldier' but can be used as well. other things you might be able to use,

Errege - King
Erregina - Queen
Jaun - Lord
On - Mister, abbv. is Mr. (Señor Don)
Ezpata - Sword
Ezkutu - Shield
Eusko Gudarostea - Basque Army

I'll start looking for specific information on  their weapons, armies, etc. I've never actually researched it! but, as far as I know, they did participate heavily on the reconquest of Iberia because they were often called upon by the Castillian and Aragonese crowns. Let me look and come back with more specific stuff!

It should be noted that on 1199, Alfonso VIII of Castile invaded western Navarre and conquered parts of it (pretty much modern basque country, Vizkaya, Guipuzkoa and Alava) while Sancho the Strong was away but were granted self rule (this is where the fueros begin). So, technically, in 1200 Navarre and Castille were at war and should *begin* at war! After this initial invasion, it took 9 months of sieges to conquer the rest of the actual territory taken, so it was well into 1,200 and not just skimming that year.

Also, kudos for you guys and putting this in:

And this is the actual territory in 1,200 AD: Green - Castille
Purple - Aragon
Greenish/Tanish shade of Alava and Guipuzkoa is the land/territory being fought over. It should be noted that Vitoria and San Sebastian resisted and were conquered by force in 1200, while other parts like Vizcaya did not (the westernmost parts) and the yellowish up north were vassals in French lands.. Foix I think.
Yeah I assumed so, so I guess that if they do have some sort of specialty axe-based footman, the word would be Gudari :smile:
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