
Yes, we already do have a crusade mod, but it is not nearly accurate since the crusades took place in Jerusalem and European cities are far away 
I would really like to see this as a mod and with the help of wikipedia I compiled two possible timelines. That would enable us to use historicaly correct names, units, orders etc.
First possibility: Second crusade
It startet 1145 and was a failure, however we could implement three kindoms or factions (or even more?). First, Jerusalem was a independend kingdom and should be present. Second, the German/France crusade and third the Seljuk Turks/Muslims that defeated the crusaders.
When the crusade finally arrived, Jerusalem was pretty much in peace with the surrounding countries. The Crusaders didn't care and attacked Damaskus, resulting in the fall of Jerusalem.
1. Jerusalem/Antioch - Neutral
Corresponds roughly to Wercheg and another city we would have to choose.
The city itself was Christian, but the country was pretty much mixed and Muslims and Jews were more or less accepted. Mixed units could be implemented here, maybe knights or their children from the first crusade that adapted muslim techniques and armor... etc.
Antioch - Wercheg, Jerusalem - Thir
2. Second Crusade - German and French army
Their mainbase would probably be Tripoli and their new holdings close to Damaskus (to give them some cities). The main units would be swadian like, except for full plate armor etc. They would have to occupy the south-east of the map except for Antioch (Wercheg) and Jerusalem (Thir).
If you look at the map - it fits perfectly!
The Crusaders have Tripoli (Zendar), Archa (Rivacheg), Darnith (Kudan) and Aintab (Curaw), Beaufort (Uxhal) and Tyre (Praven)
They would use knights and men at arms and Chivalric orders like Templars.
3. Turks/Armenians/Muslims
There were numerous Muslim states, but during the second crusade, it was mainly the Turks. They destroyed the German army except for a small part and the French, who came a little bit later, had a hard time getting to Jerusalem.
Damascus (Halmar), Baalbek (Reyvadin), Aleppo (Tulga), Homs (Veluca), Paneas (Suno) and Bostra (Jelkala), Aila (Sargoth) is somewhat neutral, too.
I don't know exactly what units the Turk used, but i'd imagined steppe bandit like scouts and also saracen.
I will write about the second possibility tomorrow.
What are your thoughts so far?
I would really like to see this as a mod and with the help of wikipedia I compiled two possible timelines. That would enable us to use historicaly correct names, units, orders etc.
First possibility: Second crusade
It startet 1145 and was a failure, however we could implement three kindoms or factions (or even more?). First, Jerusalem was a independend kingdom and should be present. Second, the German/France crusade and third the Seljuk Turks/Muslims that defeated the crusaders.
When the crusade finally arrived, Jerusalem was pretty much in peace with the surrounding countries. The Crusaders didn't care and attacked Damaskus, resulting in the fall of Jerusalem.
1. Jerusalem/Antioch - Neutral

Corresponds roughly to Wercheg and another city we would have to choose.
The city itself was Christian, but the country was pretty much mixed and Muslims and Jews were more or less accepted. Mixed units could be implemented here, maybe knights or their children from the first crusade that adapted muslim techniques and armor... etc.
Antioch - Wercheg, Jerusalem - Thir
2. Second Crusade - German and French army
Their mainbase would probably be Tripoli and their new holdings close to Damaskus (to give them some cities). The main units would be swadian like, except for full plate armor etc. They would have to occupy the south-east of the map except for Antioch (Wercheg) and Jerusalem (Thir).
If you look at the map - it fits perfectly!
The Crusaders have Tripoli (Zendar), Archa (Rivacheg), Darnith (Kudan) and Aintab (Curaw), Beaufort (Uxhal) and Tyre (Praven)
They would use knights and men at arms and Chivalric orders like Templars.
3. Turks/Armenians/Muslims
There were numerous Muslim states, but during the second crusade, it was mainly the Turks. They destroyed the German army except for a small part and the French, who came a little bit later, had a hard time getting to Jerusalem.
Damascus (Halmar), Baalbek (Reyvadin), Aleppo (Tulga), Homs (Veluca), Paneas (Suno) and Bostra (Jelkala), Aila (Sargoth) is somewhat neutral, too.
I don't know exactly what units the Turk used, but i'd imagined steppe bandit like scouts and also saracen.
I will write about the second possibility tomorrow.
What are your thoughts so far?