Hilfe mit Deutsch Aufsatz

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Br the jub


I come from Norway and I've learned German at school for 4 years now. I got this exercise to make a report of a film I have seen and was wondering if anyone could take the time to look through my text.

Mein Deutsch sind nicht sehr gut, aber ich hoffe du begreifen was ich meine.  :grin:

Danke schön!

OK, I'm bored  :razz:
Well, some things:
  • I haven't seen the film, so I just assume some things from the trailers I've seen.
  • I rewrote some passages, because they didn't made any sense
  • You should definitely rewrite the text again, because if the original is any sign for your actual knowledge, then this will stand out as too good (don't mean to insult you or sound arrogant, but I'd say your teacher might see the difference)

Oh and btw: I might start a norwegian course at university next week, given there aren't too many applicants  :mrgreen:

/text  :grin:

Br the jub said:
BTW, Can you delete my text from the forum? If my teacher googles my text now, he will find this and think I have cheated.... Thank you :smile:
Hey, thank you very much!  :grin: Fantastic! :smile:

Yes, I really suck at German, but luckily this is my last semester :razz:

Norwegian is quite cool... Just contact me if you need help  :mrgreen:

BTW, Can you delete my text from the forum? If my teacher googles my text now, he will find this and think I have cheated.... Thank you :smile:
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