Highland Warlord Bracers

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Hey Bannerlord community,

I have been coming back to the game recent and have been aware that the team knows about the issue with this item. To my understanding this is mostly a bug in terms of color/shine. Knowing this I still used them (as they don't seem to have too many issues outside of this and look fine in battle). I had no real problems until I noticed that on the left gauntlet there is a small slit that you can see through from certain angles when viewing if from behind. I am not sure if this is a detail anyone else has noticed but it would be great to know if anyone else is seeing this as well (in addition to the blotches of color). I am mainly posting this to see if any other players are getting this bug (to see if it is wide spread) or if I am losing my mind. I have submitted a bug report for this as well

I have also noticed that when I load in sometimes the armor has mutated into this disaster (although I have not succeeded at replicating this one)
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There are similar issues with the Highland Noble Bracers too. Seems Battania got the short end of the stick for their gauntlets.
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