high lvls

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In .632 I got to 34 I think. Most people who got to 50 most likely ad little imagination or cheated :smile:
Highest I've got so far is lvl 22 or so. With a little dedication you can easily get past 20.
Would've gone even faster if I hadn't done nothing but trading early on.
manrid said:
did anybody pass lvl 20 without!!! cheatinig?

Lvl 30 at the moment, I blame Dark Knights dwindling my forces to now 20 isntead of 45... and because of the bug with no respawn of hiring units, I face certain extinction :sad:...
if i play dedicated after a few days i hit 30.
if i play an hour now and then it takes 2 weeks or so.
Got to 30 something in the 0.632 version, but the big thing is variety. It took me ages but that's because I would only play it every so often. Now that you can fight on snow (BIG fan of that) and desert (not so much but a good idea) I play it alot more frequently. Lvl 17 at the mo'
I had level 38 in 0.632

In current version i were about 30...

but yesterday, when i opened my savefile, my inventory was blank, my character naked, blacksmiths naked, merchant naked.. etc.. So i've just started from scratch again. heh. This time i will ALWAYS keep a backup-save.

I'm writing a savefile-backup-software right now.. It will make a backup of your save in a given interval. heh.

you guys don't believe this, but my main character in 0.632 level 50 without any cheats! But it took a loooong time, i was playing the game 5 hours at day, even more sometimes...

And he was foot archer
i'm 20 right now on .704
only took 45ish days [in-game]
didn't cheat.
got m&b real early in the game, and i use them for party stats.
I'm over 20, no cheats. Secret is to do quests. The rescue the kidnapped girl quest early on is simple to do if you are fast and nets good xp. Also, caravan escort quests aren't too bad. Later on, when you have a bigger party, the troublesome bandits quest gives you lots. When you join a faction, the raider quest gives lots of xp too. Even soloing river pirates early on is a good way to get xp.
No problem in reaching 20 i guess... my char was lvl 26 after acouple of days in .701, now starting again with a new loser-soon-to-be-invincible in .704 :twisted:
And there was absolutely no need for cheating. Did some quests, killed lots of puny bandits:wink: and yeah, kiling the raiders is a definite way to level up real fast:smile:
My main is level 27 now, i haven't done anything else than fought fought and fought. And yes, i play solo with only the heroes for their skills.
Worbah said:
In .632 I got to 34 I think. Most people who got to 50 most likely ad little imagination or cheated :smile:

i got to lvl 49 in .632 and i didn't cheat. but it took one week to get there.
joukkeli said:
Worbah said:
In .632 I got to 34 I think. Most people who got to 50 most likely ad little imagination or cheated :smile:

i got to lvl 49 in .632 and i didn't cheat. but it took one week to get there.

A week? I've played this game a lot, and the best i managed was 44. And i played a lot.
i got to level 46 legitly in 0.632. took about a week battling sea raider warbands and dark war parties (mag7mod) to get ranks with the vaegir and swadians, and bandits. unfortunately, most of my other heroes were still under level 25

with the new 0.7x xp system i think it'll take 3 times as long to make it to 46
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