I realize there are several posts on this already, but going to add my own issue/perception as well
Windows 10, NVIDIA 2080Ti graphics card, video seems to be working fine.
Several comments to the hideouts
1)CAN"T SEE what the enemy is doing, Cant see if I'm releasing my arrow at the right time to hit body and not hit the shield, Scene isn't necessarily too dark but there's a lack of contrast and no amount of fiddling with the graphic setting improves it, getting the 'squares' to be 'just' visible in the graphic set up is the best setting, but really, can't see well enough to fight at range.
2) I can see to make my first arrow shot a head shot, but really doesn't seem to do that much damage. I'm using a War Recurve bow, but isn't very effective against any of the enemy types I come across in any of the hideouts.
3) I have, I forget the name, but elite empire calvalry armor (more than 20,000 denars), but 2 spear hits and I'm dead. And as above, I never see the spear coming.
4)The game seems to choose either my lower ranked troops, or proportionately based on my current group. Even when leaving all troops less than rank 26 and leaving them at one of my settlements, it seems like I'm not getting the best set of troops.
5) Troop commands: Troops will follow me, and will charge on command, but will not move to a position (F1, F1). Loose formation also doesn't seem to work correctly. They move away from me on either side, but are still bunched together, meaning they are more likely to be hit. Also, they die with 1 or 2 hits, in spite of having high level armor.
6) My impression is my arrows do less damage at longer range, but the enemy spears seem to do max damage regardless of range (might just be a perception on my part).
7)Even with 'loose formation', my troops get in my way, I can't see through the circle that's above the heads of my troops, so again, get hit with no idea that a spear is coming my way, even though I was facing the right direction.
Even when, as I do about half the time or slightly more, get to the end battle where it's the enemy chief and 4 of his troops at the end, and I have high level troops that survived to that point, and I have 6 troops that made it through, and this seems to happen more often when the hideout is a requirement for a quest, my troops get slaughtered and I'm left facing 3 or more enemies at the end and I may get one of them, but die before I get the last 2.
Can players make their own hideouts? They're much harder to capture than castles or towns
Overall, I'm enjoying the game and I'm glad its out in early access. Especially given I'm stuck working at home for the duration and also appreciate Taleworlds pushing out such frequent patches.
I realize there are several posts on this already, but going to add my own issue/perception as well
Windows 10, NVIDIA 2080Ti graphics card, video seems to be working fine.
Several comments to the hideouts
1)CAN"T SEE what the enemy is doing, Cant see if I'm releasing my arrow at the right time to hit body and not hit the shield, Scene isn't necessarily too dark but there's a lack of contrast and no amount of fiddling with the graphic setting improves it, getting the 'squares' to be 'just' visible in the graphic set up is the best setting, but really, can't see well enough to fight at range.
2) I can see to make my first arrow shot a head shot, but really doesn't seem to do that much damage. I'm using a War Recurve bow, but isn't very effective against any of the enemy types I come across in any of the hideouts.
3) I have, I forget the name, but elite empire calvalry armor (more than 20,000 denars), but 2 spear hits and I'm dead. And as above, I never see the spear coming.
4)The game seems to choose either my lower ranked troops, or proportionately based on my current group. Even when leaving all troops less than rank 26 and leaving them at one of my settlements, it seems like I'm not getting the best set of troops.
5) Troop commands: Troops will follow me, and will charge on command, but will not move to a position (F1, F1). Loose formation also doesn't seem to work correctly. They move away from me on either side, but are still bunched together, meaning they are more likely to be hit. Also, they die with 1 or 2 hits, in spite of having high level armor.
6) My impression is my arrows do less damage at longer range, but the enemy spears seem to do max damage regardless of range (might just be a perception on my part).
7)Even with 'loose formation', my troops get in my way, I can't see through the circle that's above the heads of my troops, so again, get hit with no idea that a spear is coming my way, even though I was facing the right direction.
Even when, as I do about half the time or slightly more, get to the end battle where it's the enemy chief and 4 of his troops at the end, and I have high level troops that survived to that point, and I have 6 troops that made it through, and this seems to happen more often when the hideout is a requirement for a quest, my troops get slaughtered and I'm left facing 3 or more enemies at the end and I may get one of them, but die before I get the last 2.
Can players make their own hideouts? They're much harder to capture than castles or towns
Overall, I'm enjoying the game and I'm glad its out in early access. Especially given I'm stuck working at home for the duration and also appreciate Taleworlds pushing out such frequent patches.