hide and unhide sound?

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In the Mount&BladeSounds folder there are two sounds I never heard inside the game:

They sound pretty mysterious aswell. Were they used for anything or are they going to be used?
I was experimenting with hiding on the game map. For ambushes and such.

Nairagorn: Although the game used to have fantasy elements, we never went so far as to include spells. :wink:
We (I at least) really don't want magic Nairagorn :razz:

But I suppose fantasy mods will come eventually.
armagan said:
No area damage in the game engine right now. But that's hopefully easy to add.

So will you add it or was that a mod-infomercial?
For I can only think of naphta(greek-fire) bombs.
Bombards! Mortars! Grenades! :grin:

Of course, these things would be a liability to *everyone* on the map -themselves included.
They were so feared on the battlefield because of their (at the time) ghastly, horrifying destructive power that knights would add grenades and cannon to their heraldry, to signify that they had faced the vile metal demons and lived. :cool:
Personally I hope my sword can hit more than one guy just like my horse.

Maybe with Area damage it is possible?
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