Hi love the game

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Hi love the game

I really like mount&sword it's the bes rpg so far I have played im going to get my mum to buy it for me :grin: the only improvment i can think of would be to make the horses turn easyer and the sword swings and stuff a bit quicker so far beter than morrowind due to mounted combat :mrgreen:
Punctuation is your friend :wink:

Anyway, it is a good game, but I dont think they would impliment your suggestions.
The turning-thing for the horses is a realism issue, a horse running at full speed cant turn on a dime. A horse cant turn on a dime period.
Basicaly the best way to turn is (if you have the space) slow down or stop, turn however far, and head off again.
Sword swining is the same, fifty pounds of steel doesnt just stop where you want it to. However, it would be good with knives and such to be able to carve up somebody using a broadsword before their second swing :smile:
2 king_Arthur
About horses: just get a good one, with decent stats and get your riding skill up.
2 Mr 47
And for weapons... *blink-blink* Fifty pounds of steel? What are you
talking about? If you are talking about swords, that's the most... *dies a horrible death from laughter*.
Well, i got a Katana (and a true one, not one of those cheap imitations made in spain or in china), it's around 120CM long and weights *less* than a kilogram. Believe me, i swing her exactly where i want, and FAST :razz:

However, i also have a medieval broadsword... around 100CM long, weighting 3.2 KG... that one is a bit more difficult to swing around. Anyway, they are different type of weapons... if you have the chance of seing a true medieval sword in a museum (the most recent i've seen was one used in executions for beheading people) you'll notice they are *NOT* sharp. Or at least not enough to "cut" an arm or other body parts... most of the damage came from breaking bones and causing the meat to tear apart.

Japanese swords are another matter... they were made precisely to cut, and where excellent at it.

Oh, well, the only sword game wich was realistic enough that i have ever seen is "Sword of the Samurai".

And here is my little love:

Sorry for the rant... when the topic is ancient weapons i always get carried away. :oops:
Balor said:
2 Mr 47
And for weapons... *blink-blink* Fifty pounds of steel? What are you
talking about? If you are talking about swords, that's the most... *dies a horrible death from laughter*.
Exaggeration, possibly?
Le sigh :razz:
Well, hmm. BTW, 3.2 kgs is VERY heavy for a one-handed blade. Usually then never go higher then 2 kgs.
3 kgs usually reserved for 2-handed ones. 4 kgs are halberds and other heavy polearms.
I've fought in a scale mail, nice helmet with a sword (like 1.5kgs heavy) and a shield... well, I'm not Conan :smile:, but you'll get completely puffed after a couple minutes of combat nonetheless.
Btw, a common myth that knight's armor weighted like 80 kgs.. well, it's true. But that if you include horce armor, and that's having in mind that it's tournament, extra-sturdy armor.
Usually it's about 30kgs for full plate, most of it - helmet and chain mail.
Hey everyone

I'm new here to. I just bought the game after only a day of playing it. I was hooked. I can't really see to many things wrong with it save maybe like if your an archer on foot maybe you should run a littlw faster. Like if your in the tounament and your buddy dies your pretty much screwed cause once those guys get on you your dead

Anyways awsome game
Well, get your athletics up. But anyway, being non-horse archer is a sure way for quick, but painful death... just like in RL :smile:.
Buy yourself a horce, get up riding and horse archery, learn to time your shots and calculate trajectory... and you'll finish off entire bands of bandits all by yourself :smile:
Btw, katanas are overhyped. They are nice sabers, but they CANNOT cleave thru stone or metal... cause they are not *light* sabers :smile:.
In a duel between a katana user and a rapier wielder - won one who used a rapier :smile:.
And besides, Japanise are small people. No wonder they didn't have espadons :smile:, and used their katanas with two hands, heh.
Well, sabers are inherently better then swords when it comes to slashes, but katana is just a very good saber. Nothing magical...
And they are nearly useless against good plate armor.
Never said the contrary, Balor... moreover, the lack of natural resource in japan made them use second class material for armors, like wood or bamboo.

And anyway... more than the sword, it is the man who wields it who makes the difference. Take the best sword in the world, give it to the most idiot person in the world, and he will be beated by a a moderately skilled swordplayer with a walking stick :razz:

The same i would say about the katana/rapier duel... it all depends on who the fighters were. They're just different kind of weapons, with their strenghts and weaknesses.

I think that the exaggerations about japanese swords comes mostly by the fact that samurais were well trained, martial-arts and everything, and when put against conscripts they would tear them apart. Hence the legends about the invincibility of their swords. But in truth... it was just the men who wielded them.

Talking about what is better beetween a two-hander and a katana or a short sword is like talking about what is better beetween a rifle and a pistol: they both have their uses, and sometimes even a small dagger is better than a longsword, depending on the situation.

Just my thought, maybe :smile:
Hehe.. I didn't think about that. I've put like all my skill points on the power slash stuff and surgery.. =) Im level 13 and I got like 8 knights following me
Well, in fact, you are absolutely right, Skree.
In close quarters, a handgun is much better then a rifle - just play Brigate E5 (when you'll have a chance... or d/l a demo :wink:) - and you'll see it yourself.
Same goes for different weapons... but greatswords, however, were not simply used to slash and cleave - where were elaborate moves and manuevers, including those for close combat. While sword+shield is by far the most effecive combination, two-hander can be very fast none-the-less, effective at nearly any range + long reach + ablitity to cut a few people in two at once... You cannot defenct agant arrows with it, tho.. unless you are UBER :smile:.
I think the swing animations should definitely be a little faster, because at the moment they look way too slow to actually be dealing much force. It would just be a purely cosmetic change really, although parrying would need a little more reaction time (a good thing imho). It's much more fun seeing steel whizzing through the air than slowly arcing towards the enemy. Swords aren't THAT heavy.
Well, in fact, most swing animations don't have anything in common with RL sword motions, same goes for stances (I've dabbled in historical sword-fighting myself, so I know).
I've given a link of ARMA (thearma.org) to Armadan - they have a great collection of materials about all things historical fencing. I hope in new versions it will improve :smile:
Balor said:
Well, in fact, most swing animations don't have anything in common with RL sword motions, same goes for stances (I've dabbled in historical sword-fighting myself, so I know).
I've given a link of ARMA (thearma.org) to Armadan - they have a great collection of materials about all things historical fencing. I hope in new versions it will improve :smile:

Don't tell me. I've seen everything, and i do mean everything while reviewing all kinds of games. Katanas held like a rapier... a rapier used to CUT IN TWO an opponent... sniper rifles usable on a running vehicle...

Realism is definitely a rare trait in modern games... M&B tries to be realistic, though, and it deserves only praise for this. Last time i saw a "one-hit-kill" in a sword game was in Sword of The Samurai... it surely has been a nice surprise to see a lethal weapon actually be lethal again.
Well, it depends on armor of the opponent. Here it's really well-balanced - in a reinforced plate armor, you are but invoulnerable to simple one-handed weapons... (as it is in RL) It will take something heavier to take you down - like two-handed weapons, or most heavy one-handed ones... or polearms like halberds or pikes... or a ride-by powerful swing :smile:.
Balor said:
Well, it depends on armor of the opponent. Here it's really well-balanced - in a reinforced plate armor, you are but invoulnerable to simple one-handed weapons... (as it is in RL) It will take something heavier to take you down - like two-handed weapons, or most heavy one-handed ones... or polearms like halberds or pikes... or a ride-by powerful swing :smile:.

yes, well, of course, just as it is almost impossible to destroy a tank with a rifle :razz:

My "one-hit-kills" swings were against almost naked river bandits :smile:
It depends on a tank and on a rifle. A light tank vs an anti-tank rifle - nice chance of success. Usual 7.62 caliber rifle vs a modern heavy tank... 0% chance :smile:.
Balor said:
It depends on a tank and on a rifle. A light tank vs an anti-tank rifle - nice chance of success. Usual 7.62 caliber rifle vs a modern heavy tank... 0% chance :smile:.
Unless they left the hatches unsealed, in which case you just stick your rifle into the tank and fire off the entire clip.
Bullets bounce around and shred everybody...yay!
Balor said:
It depends on a tank and on a rifle. A light tank vs an anti-tank rifle - nice chance of success. Usual 7.62 caliber rifle vs a modern heavy tank... 0% chance :smile:.

Thats why we use rockets
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