Resolved Hi, I got this really weird bug where when I am going fast on my horse the characters voice starts vibrating and echoing a little bit

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Yes, but I removed mods.
Summary: Hi, I got this really weird bug where when I am going fast on my horse the characters voice starts vibrating and echoing a little bit, is there any way to fix it? i have tried a lot of things and times.
How to Reproduce: Purchase a faster horse like 50 speed maybe ( maybe even works for like sumpters idk) then start riding at fast speeds and try commanding your troops and you should hear it.
Have you used cheats and if so which: I have used mods, harmony and calradia expanded, then the bug appeared and i uninstalled the mods to see if it was the mods doing it or if it was the base game but the issue persisted.
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Computer Specs:
OS: Windows 10
GPU: RTX 2060
GPU Driver Version: 496.49 Game Ready Driver for Nvidia
CPU: AMD Ryzen 2600X
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): HDD 500 GB
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