Hi HI, a few questions from a enthusiastic noob! =D

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Okay, so a friend suggested M&B as a nice relaxing game to pass the time with and after DLing the demo I readily paid my $17 for the CD key - which arrived the next day :grin:

Had it around 2 days now and have a level 22 charicter, but i'm sturggeling with a few things and am hoping some of you can bring me into the light.

1st: level 22 with nice armor and weapons and a cute little horse but I have no idea what the hell to do. for 12 game days I have just run around the country side picking fights and leveling up, with no real objective. I know you can get missions of the counts etc but is that it and is there any real bonus to them except some bonus XP and some gold. Is there a main storyline that I need to initiate or something?

2nd: What is the best prefix for weapons and armor. Currently the best armor I have found is "thick" and the best weapons I have found are "balanced" so "thick iron greaves" and "balanced sword of war"

3rd: Is there any place that consistantly has higher end items for sale, or do I have to roam from town to town randomly in hope that one of their smithy's has a good item in stock?

4th: Can I give equipment to any member of my party, or only the two named "hero's" people keep referring too [I forgotten their names] or can i give some cool armor I find on the battlefields to my men.

5th: Can you recruit trained men or do you always have to start with peasents and train them up and up and up. I had what I considered a nice army under my control [about 20 men, lowest rank being a foot soldier - mostly seargents and hired blades] and they got pwnd when I got jumped by 40 or so Dark knights. I managed to survive but the map was too small and eventually the Dark Knights ran over to the starting position I told my men to "hold this position" at in order to avoid them being killed.

6th Cant think of anything else I dont know, but anything you think maybe helpfull would be greatly appreciated :grin:


1: No
2: Reinforced for armor and heavy(for 2+damage -1 speed) or Balanced (1+damage 2+speed) (Watered Ssteel for 2+damage&speed is really the best one but is only for nomad sabres and scimitars)
3: Nope, just roam around
4: Only heroes (Marnid&Borcha)
5: Sorry, only lowlies are available for hire. You can release prisoners and have them join you thought
6: Feel free to

And welcome to the forums :smile:
Rizzin said:
1st: level 22 with nice armor and weapons and a cute little horse but I have no idea what the hell to do. for 12 game days I have just run around the country side picking fights and leveling up, with no real objective. I know you can get missions of the counts etc but is that it and is there any real bonus to them except some bonus XP and some gold. Is there a main storyline that I need to initiate or something?

Lost-Lamb said:

Okay, i'm not trying to ridicule the game or anything but what your saying is that the only objective is to run around and kill stuff and maybe get a meager quest from a random baron or two for no particular reason - been doing that for 2 days now and it's getting slightly tedious.
Can anyone else give me a more comprehensive answer other than "no" ? What does everyone else do for example
The game is in beta right now. It's an unfinished product. While there will be an interactive storyline in the final version, for now gameplay is mostly limited to fighting battles. Which, in my opinion, is more than enough. Of course, being able to mod the game easily is just pure candy on top.
i just roam around killing random bands of enemies/quests, the story hasn't really evolved yet as this is still in beta and the game is still being developed, however i do believe that armagan probably has a story in mind that will be implemented in later stages / final release of the game
You can strive to get the highest military rank in one of the factions...

I have been playing the Mag7 mod... it add a lot more quests and also generates more difficult NPC parties to fight. Once you get tired of the vanilla game, go to the mod forum and check it out. There is a link there to download it.
Jeez, level 22 in 2 days? No wonder you're finding it tedious! Try going outside for a bit or something and coming back to it, this isn't Morrowind or whatever that takes weeks of dedicated effort to beat :razz:

Lost Lamb: You can get watered steel daggers, so perhaps it can apply for other swords too.
Lost-Lamb said:
Sweet, altought that has been added post .623. I might check which weapons it applies to nowdays altought I doubt its anything else

Nope. In fact, I think the court lady started with a watered-steel dagger back then.

Also, you're forgetting that not all armors are available as "reinforced". The best prefix for light armor is "hardened".
1: No as of now. The game is currently in BETA, meaning it is not entirely finished yet. When Armagan is finished with the game, he will release it. There will almost definitely be bugs and glitches in the final version, and so Armagan will most definitely make patches for it. The storyline will be part of the finished version. At the present time, there really is no storyline.

Magnificent 7 is probably one of the only mods that has been released that actually has a storyline.
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