Heroes leading partys, how

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I use both editors for modding M&B basicly just adding stuff, items, units to make the game more dense while keeping the overal story.

I thought that it would be neat if actual heroes would lead partys, for example war partys. I worked with a generic "noble class" first and it is awesome, but I'd like to add a hero.

Using the editor, it's simple enough to add it to an existing war party, but I seem to get errors in M&B and I guess it is because of that.

What flags do I need to enable at the heros screen and what flags are needed elsewhere.

Next question: How can I script a new party spawn? I searched for this but could not find it. It would be awesome to have some more, personalized parties spawn, maybe with individual factions (I have figured out how to do that :grin: ).
I know it has been done before by you guys, so i'd like advise to how this can be done. At least how to add heroes probably without having errors.

Search etc. came up empty.
Im not sure what you want. Just a 'leader' with high stats to lead an army or an actual recruitable hero who cant be killed?
I already have high rank units, but I want real heroes, personalities that can not be killed like the player, only appear ONCE on the map and might even have seperate factions (like an AI - Player equivalent).

1. How can I create this hero, which flags do I need (exept for "hero", obviously)
2. How can I get this hero unit to not die in combat or be taken prisoner without those obvious flags in the editor giving me ingame errors
3. How can I script this hero to spawn ONCE at a time
4. More nifty ideas: How can I have the Heros party gain experience or units over time (for example a time based recreation of different partys with the same name but different units) and basicly how do i implement time based scripts that could result in a storyline.

If any modder decides to use those ideas, please get back to me and tell me how ;D
Having never done it I can only give you some rough ideas....

All time related things are dealt with in triggers.txt. Youll need a trigger that spawns this party one time (after x hours) and then sets a variable to 1 at the end of the line. Have a check in the first part of the spawn line to see if this variable has already been set to 1 so it will only spawn once.

Instead of a variable you could try to just have a very long period between spawns and the rearming of the spawn. I seemed to have trouble making very long spawn delays but I didnt spend much time on it.

For experimenting with adding a hero to an npc band, use a pregenerated hero like borcha. Just replace a troop in the war party with his number and quantity of 1 (min and max). I dont know if its possible to have a hero in an npc army but this will exclude any bugs from making your own hero as you already know that borcha works.

As for gaining experience you could have a trigger that adds experience to this hero once every x hours. This wont make him actually evel up though as far as I know. Check the operations list for a command that increases level directly.
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