Resolved Here's what causes the player party to redirect to a newly formed army, and how to fix it.

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Summary: Many times when a new army is formed, the player's party redirects its movement towards a newly formed army automatically. This happens even when the player is waiting in a settlement.

How To Reproduce: Place your spouse or brother in your party and wait until an army is formed by an AI lord. Must be a vassal of a faction.

What's the Problem: This is copied from a comment I posted in another thread:

The GetMobilePartiesToCallToArmy function in the DefaultArmyManagementCalculationModel class causes the issue

When a faction creates an army it checks through the list of every lord in the faction, including nobles, children, and deceased family members. This can be seen in the yellow box.

For each lord, it then checks a bunch of conditions in the if statement a few lines down. In the red box it excludes the main hero from the valid conditions. It also checks to make sure the lord belongs to a party in the orange box (so non-party holding nobles are excluded too).

However, your spouse, brother, etc. meet all of the requirements to proceed because they 1) are a lord, 2) belong to a party (only if you have them in you party), and 3) are not the main hero. So then where the green arrow is, it saves the party the lord belongs to (which is the player's party) into a variable, then adds the player party to the dictionary that is used to summon vassals to the army as shown with the red arrow.

From there it proceeds with the rest of the instructions as if the player is an AI party and eventually sets the player party's move conditions to "Escort Party" for the new army.

Solution: I believe the solution is as simple as adding this condition to the if statement where the red and orange boxes are:

&& hero.PartyBelongedTo != Hero.MainHero.PartyBelongedTo​


Version: 1.4.3 Beta
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