Heraldic Czech Shield and Armor

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Jsem tu nový a moje angličtina postačuje tak akorád na čtení ale abych něco napsal k tomu se zatím nemám:smile:Tato hra mě zaujala a píšu to sem protože nevím kde jinde bych tu narazil na chápající bytosti:smile:Chtěl bych se zeptat jak se tato hra rozvíjí a jestli ji někdo dotuje protože z toho co jsme viděl by to mohla být hodně dobrá onlinovka která by strčila do kapsy WoWko...Jde tato hra hrát i v multiplayeru?A jak vlastně funguje?Jinak rád bych z něčím pomohl ale nevím jak to tu chodí.A proč není v Jinojazyčných forech i Czech forum?:smile:Jinak držím vám palce z tím modem. :mrgreen:
Faragorn said:
Jsem tu nový a moje angličtina postačuje tak akorád na čtení ale abych něco napsal k tomu se zatím nemám:smile:Tato hra mě zaujala a píšu to sem protože nevím kde jinde bych tu narazil na chápající bytosti:smile:Chtěl bych se zeptat jak se tato hra rozvíjí a jestli ji někdo dotuje protože z toho co jsme viděl by to mohla být hodně dobrá onlinovka která by strčila do kapsy WoWko...Jde tato hra hrát i v multiplayeru?A jak vlastně funguje?Jinak rád bych z něčím pomohl ale nevím jak to tu chodí.A proč není v Jinojazyčných forech i Czech forum?:smile:Jinak držím vám palce z tím modem. :mrgreen:

a nebumpuj staré místnosti :wink: obzvlášť ne ty tři roky staré :wink:
Merlkir said:
kosmik said:
Wtf :shock:

What just happen i cant :cry: read

go to school then.

In poland/hungary/Bolivia? Look, this is an English speaking forum, and I'm pretty sure the other language forums have places for this (if not, sorry)
Elenmmare said:
Merlkir said:
kosmik said:
Wtf :shock:

What just happen i cant :cry: read

go to school then.

In poland/hungary/Bolivia? Look, this is an English speaking forum, and I'm pretty sure the other language forums have places for this (if not, sorry)

he said he can't read. Poor bastard. But I'm sure that elementary schools are almost everywhere.

It's czech by the way. If you can't read it...there's probably nothing that important for you to know. And no, there is no czech subforum.
Merlkir said:
Elenmmare said:
Merlkir said:
kosmik said:
Wtf :shock:

What just happen i cant :cry: read
go to school then.
In poland/hungary/Bolivia? Look, this is an English speaking forum, and I'm pretty sure the other language forums have places for this (if not, sorry)
he said he can't read. Poor bastard. But I'm sure that elementary schools are almost everywhere.

It's czech by the way. If you can't read it...there's probably nothing that important for you to know. And no, there is no czech subforum.
I would question the veracity of that proclamation given that he seems able to write perfectly well.  :neutral:
Merlkir was drawing amusement from the ironic juxtaposition (or paradox) of the the statement that he can't read and the obvious fact that he can due to him being able to write.
He further builds on this using sarcasm to emphasise the situation, a technique known as satire.

This might be otherwise known in the vernacular and a 'joke' or 'jest', although the latter has fallen out of use in recent years.

Oooooh, it was a joke! Har har har har har!
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