I would like to have this option only when one ally lord is being overwhelmed by enemy and he is about to loose(if more allied lord are fighting,you wouldnt have this option).Before entering battle, you can propose him an offer, that you can help him retreat if he wants to.If he agrees, you leave some of your soldiers to him(same as if you want to retreat on your own with some soldiers leaving behind).There is a chance,that you both retreat safely (with some losses).Reputation goes up big time (+10) with the lord you just rescued, and (+1) with all other facton lords, beacuse good deeds are spread everywere...If he doesnt want to retreat,you can safely retreat from battle without any cosequences (faction lords doenst have you for coward.No reputation down).Rescued lord would also pay you some denars for your losses.This is the only option for retreat with no bad consequences...
Another thing which bothers me is that, retreating from battles isnt punished enough.I propose,that you loose reputation with all faction lords (-5) ,with which you have less than 50 reputation.With lords who highly value you (REPUTATION MORE THAN 50), <you loose only (-1).Ruler of facton also gives you a fine which you must pay (1000 denars and 3000 denars if this happened on military campaign).If you retreat for 3rd time, even if you have 100 reputation with king, he has to throw you from his kingdom (beacuse other lords wouldnt appreciate to still have such coward in ther faction)...
What do you think?
Another thing which bothers me is that, retreating from battles isnt punished enough.I propose,that you loose reputation with all faction lords (-5) ,with which you have less than 50 reputation.With lords who highly value you (REPUTATION MORE THAN 50), <you loose only (-1).Ruler of facton also gives you a fine which you must pay (1000 denars and 3000 denars if this happened on military campaign).If you retreat for 3rd time, even if you have 100 reputation with king, he has to throw you from his kingdom (beacuse other lords wouldnt appreciate to still have such coward in ther faction)...
What do you think?