Help with stats pj level 20

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I'm from argentina and i don't speak very well english.
I don't remember what choises i do when i star my new character

I think that this was my choises:

Hunter                  |
+1 STR                  |
+2 AGI                  |
Power draw +1          |
Athletics +1            |
Tracking +1            |
Pathfinding +1          |
Spotting +1            |
One-handed weapons +3  |
Two-handed weapons +9  |
Archery +37            |

Steppe Child            |
+1 STR                  |
+1 AGI                  |
Power throwing +1      |
Horse archery +1        |
Archery +20            |

Loss of loved one      |
+2 CHA                  |
Ironflesh +1

And the third i think it was Poacher

This is my character

What atributes i must choises for now?

and armor/ weapons?

I'm with a one handed sword and a shield. And with plate and mail.

Thanks for the answers and sorry for my poor english.

Dude...everybody has his own playing style...So choose according to you preferences...Asking these questions will just ruin your 'feel' for this game...Try messing around with your stats...You'll get it right in no time  :smile:

And your starting choices just give you a accelerated start according to your has no effect in later game...

Although by the pic I'd suggest...
Try keeping all your attributes as a multiple of 3 for optimization as all skills(Habilidades) can go up to max 1/3 of their base attribute..
Invest in:
Potencia de tensado
Potencia de golpe
Maestra en Armas
Cabalgar(If you use a horse)
Arqueria Montada(again...if you use a horse)
Administrar el Inventario

Don't waste your precious points of party skills like Explorar....Use your NPCs for that

PS: Where'd you get the stats list for the options you chose in the beginning pf the game...I mean which file contains them

I'd recommend that, unless you have no companions (heroes), you stop putting points on INT. Also, you might consider putting 1 or 2 more points in Maestria en Armas, so you get more points to spend on your favorite weapon. Every other skill that says "Party skill" just assign to your heroes.

After that, it's all about your playstyle. I'd suggest that, if you are a horse archer, you should get AG 18 for Arquería Montada 5, which should help a lot with your acuracy, and some Atletismo, maybe 5 too, just in case somebody kills your horse. After that, just keep putting points in STR for more hitpoints and power draw/power strike.

Now, if you plan to be a knight, more points in Cabalgar (at least 5, you might want to get 6) for the heavier horses, Atletismo (as much as you can without negleting the other stats) and lots and lots of STR for Power Strike and hitpoints.

IMO, don't spend a lot of points in Piel de Hierro if you plan on getting lots of STR points (and I think you should!), since pumping STR also raises your hitpoints anyway.

I hope it helps!
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