I'm getting this error in the game logs when a Quest I've programmed is accepted:
The Quest:
This is how the Quest is programmed in dialogue:
You get the Quest from Mayors in Towns, and the "Quest ID" number from the error message is different depending on which Town/Mayor the Quest is taken from.
The Quest is otherwise accepted as normal, and shows up properly in the quest log. However, when I try to talk to the quest_target_troop, the dialogue option which should show up does not appear. It is programmed like this:
Considering the Quest looks fine in the quest log (the target_troop reference appears correctly, for example), why does this not work?
I don't know if this is all related to one thing I've done wrong, or if there's more things at play. Any help would be appreciated.
SCRIPT ERROR ON OPCODE 506: Invalid Quest ID: 312; LINE NO: 3:
At dialog consequence: dlga_town_council_quest:town_politics_pretalk.
At dialog consequence: dlga_town_council_quest:town_politics_pretalk.
The Quest:
("council_campaign", "Convince Powerful Men to Let You Into the Town Council", qf_random_quest,
"The Mayor of {s10} has hinted that you may be able to join {s10}'s city council, if you can convince either the town's merchants or {s15} that you are fit to do so."
This is how the Quest is programmed in dialogue:
[anyone|plyr,"town_council_quest", [], "It seems I have a little bit of work to do.", "town_politics_pretalk",
[(str_store_party_name_link, s10, "$current_town"),
(party_get_slot, ":quest_target_troop", "$current_town", slot_town_lord),
(str_store_troop_name_link, s15, ":quest_target_troop"),
(quest_set_slot, ":quest_target_troop", "qst_council_campaign", slot_quest_target_troop),
(str_store_string, s2, "@The Mayor of {s10} has hinted that you may be able to join {s10}'s city council, if you can convince either the town's merchants or {s15} that you are fit to do so."),
(call_script, "script_start_quest", "qst_council_campaign", "$g_talk_troop"),
(call_script, "script_report_quest_troop_positions", "qst_council_campaign", ":quest_target_troop", 3),]],
The Quest is otherwise accepted as normal, and shows up properly in the quest log. However, when I try to talk to the quest_target_troop, the dialogue option which should show up does not appear. It is programmed like this:
(quest_slot_eq, "qst_council_campaign", slot_quest_target_troop, "$g_talk_troop"),
"placeholder text", "lord_town_council_convince",[]],
I don't know if this is all related to one thing I've done wrong, or if there's more things at play. Any help would be appreciated.