HELP PLEASE! lol sorry , this is the second time

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i am making a new faction that uses pistols , muskets , and ext.

I have it set up like this

  [cartridge_a,itm_flintlock_pistol, itm_flintlock_pistol,itm_rawhide_coat,itm_nomad_armor,itm_nomad_boots],

but it says that "cartridge_a" is not defined , but that is the one that was is native to the game

Help please?
Yes, you need the itm_ prefix, but I've also never used "cartridege_a."  I just use "itm_cartridges" since that is the only bullet type I saw in module_items.  You might want to try that it cartridge_a doesn't work.
[quote author=clayton117]but it says that "cartridge_a" is not defined , but that is the one that was is native to the game[/quote]
All the other items are without the itm_ tag aswell .... and are native to the game.
 ##["cartridges","Cartridges", [("cartridge_a",0)], itp_type_bullets|itp_merchandise, 0, 41,weight(2.25)|abundance(90)|weapon_length(3)|thrust_damage(1,pierce)|max_ammo(40),imodbits_missile],

The Mesh is called "cartridge_a", you're gonna want to use itm_cartridges.

Adding itm_ before the item is just telling python that what your referring to is an item I believe.
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