Help - playing as my own kingdom, how do I assign a city to myself?

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I have broken off from the Vaegirs to form my own kingdom.

I conquered Reyvadin. I was given the option to assign it to a vassal, assign it to myself or decide later.

I took the option to decide later.

I have now decided I want it for myself ( is there any advantage giving away your assets?)

I cant work out how to do this, will I be asked again after a certain period of time?

I am playing using the diplomacy mod, so not sure if this will make a difference.
Well,maybe you need to speak to your companion that asked you in the first place?
if not,then go to your castle in the city and there should be someone to talk to about this.i never refused to take the first town so i dont really know the correct answer.
Appoint a companion or your wife as minister, and then talk to him/her. Choose the option "I would like to make myself lord of Reyvadin".
Here is a screenie, you can see the minister is aware that Reyvadin is lordless, but he is not giving me the option to appoint myself.
Kartlos said:
Here is a screenie, you can see the minister is aware that Reyvadin is lordless, but he is not giving me the option to appoint myself.
Like I said, you need to have a companion or your wife as the minister. The normal one can't do anything in comparison.

Also, put that in spoiler tags, please. It stretches the page.
I've found it's actually better to do what you accidentally did.

If you tell them to leave the decision till later, you get a small defense force for the city. Does it do that if you take it for yourself or give it to someone else?

The regular local citizen is the worst choice for a minister. Promote a companion or your spouse if available.
When a fief is conquered successfully and you're asked to whom it shall go, always answer you will decide that later, to get a small but free garrison for it. Decide those matters after you know what your lords think who should have it and let your (qualified) minister know your final decision. He might even have some advice for you.

I would also suggest (since you're playing the great Diplomacy mod) you try to get used to working with your staff (like minister, chamberlain, chancellor and constable). They are very important to rule your kingdom successfully and to make use of the features of the mod.
A good minister will even have quests for you to help you managing your realm (also in Native) and your chancellor will aid you with decisions about fief awarding and stuff.
Velax said:
Are the minister quests ever anything more than, "Go resolve this quarrel between two lords"?
To be honest: Nope :roll:
But once you got it from him you can have it every week or so with changing lords... :razz:
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