When running a new mod you'll have to create new characters and new savegames, but your old characters and savegames for normal M&B will remain the same.
When running a new mod you'll have to create new characters and new savegames, but your old characters and savegames for normal M&B will remain the same.
When running a new mod you'll have to create new characters and new savegames, but your old characters and savegames for normal M&B will remain the same.
Not necessarily - you could export your Native (or whichever) character and then import him/her, using the exact same name in character creation in a new game, even in a mod...if I'm not mistaken. You can change the name to fit your style of roleplay later. The imported character will have the same stats as the exported one, just different appearance, if you've changed that in character creation.
It's cheating, sort of, but it'll do for your case.
Haven't played Warband for quite some time now and I can't remember if exporting/importing could mess up your game with a mod, but I suppose it still works the same way and you won't have any trouble.
Edit: maybe I misunderstood what you're asking, but meh - one can never have too much info.
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