Help needed! Mod-Merging Troubles.

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[Bcw]Btm_Earendil said:
Respect the forum rules, no double posting. Edit rather your last message ^^
Oh! Shoot, sorry.

Well, I have good news and bad news:
-Good news, I actually got it to run
-Bad news: All the menus have scrambled and mis-matching text. The campaign map has scrambled factions ("Commoners" own All the major Swadian towns, while actual swadia resides in all the villages and some castles), and CTT doesn't even show up in any of the features. Am I missing something?
[Bcw]Btm_Earendil said:
Looks like you messed it up somewhere  :lol:
Thing is, I'm not sure where. The mod-merger should've handled it by itself... I think it may be because CTT is for Vanilla and Floris adds a ton of game-menu stuff, but I want to test something; A little singular section named "cstmmerge" Which goes along side the other "cstm" stuff. I wonder if the "cstm" stuff is for the base game and the "cstmmerge" is for merging.

It doesn't make sense though, as his source files mod-options always lists them both, along with "upstab" and such. I also saw that the guy behind CTT said he'd create a guide to merging it, but he never seemed to get around to it...

The errors listed often come as:
WARNING: Undefined variable:

Has anyone had luck with combining the two? Has anyone tried? I kinda hope that someone else has, and I've just been doing something wrong, as I've tried to go into the files and Copy- paste the CTT into it, but none of the stuff is assembled in the way vanilla does it and the thing seems rather keen on keeping it that way, as my attempts to splice it into the code have come up with mixed results. It may be the CTT vanilla design itself, so what I'm thinking is that CTT just needs to be merged with C3. Now, if I recall, someone has already done that within a diplomacy mod- Dickplomacy I think- so I think I could (In theory) just download dickplomacy and merge that with floris, and then cheat_menu my way to a starting kingdom and simply "rp" that I started as a leader of a faction. I'm going to try both today, wish me luck! and please tell me if you've had luck with this same stuff, I'm pulling my hair out trying to make this work.
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