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what is the the meaning of those afterwards number?

cant_find_this.ogg 0 0
mount_and_blade_title_screen.ogg 4194432 4194432
ambushed_by_neutral.ogg 266240 267264
ambushed_by_khergit.ogg 266244 267327
ambushed_by_nord.ogg 266248 267327
ambushed_by_rhodok.ogg 266256 267327
ambushed_by_swadian.ogg 266241 267327
ambushed_by_vaegir.ogg 266242 267327
arena_1.ogg 131072 131072
armorer.ogg 65536 65536
bandit_fight.ogg 5120 5120
calm_night_2.ogg 524288 598528
capture.ogg 256 256
defeated_by_neutral.ogg 33024 33024
defeated_by_neutral_2.ogg 33024 33024
defeated_by_neutral_3.ogg 33024 33024
empty_village.ogg 256 256
encounter_hostile_nords.ogg 2097408 2097408
escape.ogg 256 256
fight_1.ogg 5120 5120
fight_2.ogg 5120 5120
fight_3.ogg 5120 5120
fight_as_khergit.ogg 5124 5183
fight_as_nord.ogg 5128 5183
fight_as_rhodok.ogg 5136 5183
fight_as_vaegir.ogg 5122 5183
fight_while_mounted_1.ogg 5120 5120
fight_while_mounted_2.ogg 5120 5120
infiltration_khergit.ogg 16388 16447
killed_by_khergit.ogg 33028 33028
killed_by_swadian.ogg 33025 33025
lords_hall_khergit.ogg 65540 598591
lords_hall_nord.ogg 65536 598528
lords_hall_swadian.ogg 65536 598528
lords_hall_rhodok.ogg 65536 598528
lords_hall_vaegir.ogg 65536 598528
mounted_snow_terrain_calm.ogg 65536 598528
neutral_infiltration.ogg 16384 16384
outdoor_beautiful_land.ogg 65536 598528
retreat.ogg 33024 33024
seige_neutral.ogg 262144 267264
tavern_1.ogg 512 512
tavern_2.ogg 512 512
town_neutral.ogg 73728 598528
town_khergit.ogg 73732 598591
town_nord.ogg 73736 598591
town_rhodok.ogg 73744 598591
town_swadian.ogg 73729 598591
town_vaegir.ogg 73730 598591
travel_khergit.ogg 65540 598591
travel_neutral.ogg 65536 598528
travel_nord.ogg 65544 598591
travel_rhodok.ogg 65552 598591
travel_swadian.ogg 65537 598591
travel_vaegir.ogg 65538 598591
uncertain_homestead.ogg 65536 598528
victorious_evil.ogg 256 256
victorious_neutral_1.ogg 8388864 8388864
victorious_neutral_2.ogg 8388864 8388864
victorious_neutral_3.ogg 8388864 8388864
victorious_swadian.ogg 8388866 8388866
victorious_vaegir.ogg 8388866 8388866
victorious_vaegir_2.ogg 8388866 8388866

This is Native's mod music.txt
I wish to add some music into another mod,however the mod haven't any text into music.txt
i try to copy the Native mod's music.txt to my editing mod,it doesn't work(i know it doesn't work,try it only)
and i know the problems are about the wrong number,
The mod's country are not neutral,swadian,vaegir and nord,it's another named country
how can i add the music on the mod?i know the afterwards number is 16bit(Hex) Num,
but i didn't know the meaning

for example
lords_hall_khergit.ogg 65540 598591

lords_hall_khergit.ogg 10004 9223F

what is the meaning of 10004 9223F?why the  meaning should be khergit's lords hall music?
It's alot easier using the Search button here on the forums.... if you want to put custom music ingame it's easier with the module system.
[D]ark [K]night said:
It's alot easier using the Search button here on the forums.... if you want to put custom music ingame it's easier with the module system.

sorry, i have searched it,but it only teach how to rename or replace the mp3 files
i would like to edit the custom music for special country or special function
upton2005 said:
I would like to edit the custom music for special country or special function
I can't really help, but the tracks called travel_ and town_ are played according to what area you travel in on the map.
So that 'travel_nord' and 'town_nord' - and also 'lords_hall_nord' - is played when you are in Nord area, for instance.
I don't understand the codes and don't know if they can be customized.
I'm pretty sure you need to use Python, adding the flag |tf_module_track and changing the _culture flag, in order to add wholly new tracks for a new faction.  But I might be wrong.

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