Help me to remap Ctrl-R to just R, please!

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Go to options, then controls, find the ctrl-r command, click on it, then press the key you want to change it to.
You can't. It's a cheat. And if you have the keyboard settings with the AWSD keys and area then it isn't that hard to press it. Unless you have really small hand is wich case you need to grow or get typing gloves???
A ctrl prefix does not a cheat make Scamp. It's the command to rear your horse. I don't have cheat mode on and I use it.
Nope. It is not a cheat. And it is awfully uncomfortable exactly with AWSD keys. Only who don't use it can say it is comfortable.
I use it a lot with my WASD (got a qwertz, but it's nearly the same as a qwerty), and I have no problems with it at all...

But I did play piano. :lol:
Yellonet said:
Is rearing the horse useful in any way?
Or is it just for show?

Whenever you REALY want to stop. Before a cliff for example or near that pesty archer so that you could hack him into the pieces.
With a QWERTY isn't too difficult, except for the fact that when you need to rear, you need to do it fast, so you usually end monkey-wrenching your fingers till you swallow the whole keyboard in frustration (and your horse takes 128 damage. your horse is crippled.).
DaLagga said:
Well, i consider it a cheat, since you can exploit it to stop immediatly while at full gallop...

I don't ride horses, but at least in the movies I've seen how the riders can rear and stop just before faling in the precipice. So this is not a cheat after all.
Handel said:
I don't ride horses, but at least in the movies I've seen how the riders can rear and stop just before faling in the precipice. So this is not a cheat after all.

Yes, but not at full gallop. THats just not possible. As far as i know this used to be mapped as R in a previous version and was changed to CTRL-R on purpose. I always assumed it was to make it impractical during combat (although I must admit I find it pretty easy to utelise). Very handy when an archer, as being able to instantly stop means quick accuracy.
Handel said:
I don't ride horses, but at least in the movies I've seen how the riders can rear and stop just before faling in the precipice. So this is not a cheat after all.

Oh, really, you're right. I've forgot again how movies are a reliable source when talking about realism.
Daimyo said:
Handel said:
I don't ride horses, but at least in the movies I've seen how the riders can rear and stop just before faling in the precipice. So this is not a cheat after all.

Oh, really, you're right. I've forgot again how movies are a reliable source when talking about realism.

Ah, and forgot the game are realistic too. Like you kill 50,000 monsters untill you get to the nest level to kil 50,000 more...

Anyway I asked if someone can tell me how to change the default key combo. If you cannot please go spam some other topic.
Lol... Handel, I think a horse at full gallop would break both of its rear legs if it tried to rear to an instantaneous dead stop. And I think a horse that reared just in time before a precipice would actually get carried over the cliff by its sheer momentum. Remember kids, momentum is a vector quantity and is commonly found as p = mass * velocity. Very heavy horse. Go very fast. Very big much momentum. Break leg. Go over cliff. Rearing bad for horsey unless it go slow.

So, yeah. I'm all for having a horse being able to rear when you're at full gallop. But only under the following conditions:
1) The horse must break both of its hind legs, automatically becoming permanently lame when it stops at full gallop.
2) The rider must fall off the horse and land at an odd angle on his/her head, instantly becoming Christopher Reeve.
3) The horse must be carried forward by its momentum for a distance before landing on the ground with its broken legs and Mr. Christopher Reeve crushed pitifully beneath it. If this momentum is great, the fall must cause the collapse of nearby stars, generating black holes.
4) If said black holes are near enough to Earth, Earth must be pulled out of its orbit and be plunged into the singularity of the black hole, at which point your M&B character automatically is torn to pieces in 20 dimensions.

Hardy har har.

Honestly, I'm guilty of using this exploit. When my horse archery skill is low, I just rear up my horse in order to get off accurate shots.
It'd be nice to see the game physics be a little more realistic. Maybe I should start a thread on tweaking the game physics. Or someone else should. Since I've wasted a lot of time when I should be studying.
I'd like that as well.
Im playing on notebook and i have Fn button in the corner. So i have to bend my finger to press ctrl. Even then the risk of windows key appears. Damn. Who'd think playing games would be this hard.
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