help me out guys!!!!

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GRant m

K i just downloaded Mountandblade. loved it. bought it. played it. then when i was babysitting this little guy, i let him play it right? the next thing i know he's off the game and into the game files. he totally deletes the rgl_config file so i can't even play the game now. come on you guys, i'm dien here and if one of you could cut and paste me the file so i could could copy or paste it into my own blank file that we sooooooooooooo awesome!!!!! :lol:
Just re-install it. You downloaded the installer, find it and re-install.

And plese use grammer and there is a customer support forum.

And why was he in the game files and DELETING files? what a fool! (him, not you).
Dig it out of your recycle bin?

If not just reinstall the last M&B update.. You'll keep your savegames still.

Oh and kick that guy in the crotch for me.
Aha! The fabled second post that PrinceScamp mentioned!

Hope your question was answered ... also note the comment, from me, in your other post.

Hope to see you around,

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