[HELP] "Kingdom has failed to Respond..." Messages [SOLVED]

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I noticed that when I added new factions to a game that I get spammed this message several times in the game. I think that I must of forgotten or have missed adding something somewhere for the new kingdoms I added. Here's the notification entry that shows up on screen:
    "Kingdom Fails to Respond^^The {s1} has not responded to the {s2}'s provocations, and {s3} suffers a loss of face among {reg4?her:his} more bellicose subjects...^",
      (str_store_faction_name, s1, "$g_notification_menu_var1"),
      (str_store_faction_name, s2, "$g_notification_menu_var2"),
	  (faction_get_slot, ":faction_leader", "$g_notification_menu_var1", slot_faction_leader),
      (str_store_troop_name, s3, ":faction_leader"),
	  (troop_get_type, reg4, ":faction_leader"),
      (set_fixed_point_multiplier, 100),
      (position_set_x, pos0, 65),
      (position_set_y, pos0, 30),
      (position_set_z, pos0, 170),
      (set_game_menu_tableau_mesh, "tableau_faction_note_mesh_banner", "$g_notification_menu_var1", pos0),
	   (call_script, "script_faction_follows_controversial_policy", "$g_notification_menu_var1", logent_policy_ruler_ignores_provocation),

And here is the Trigger that calls that menu:
   (call_script, "script_randomly_start_war_peace_new", 1),

		(store_random_in_range, ":acting_village", villages_begin, villages_end),
		(store_random_in_range, ":target_village", villages_begin, villages_end),
		(store_faction_of_party, ":acting_faction", ":acting_village"),
		(store_faction_of_party, ":target_faction", ":target_village"), #target faction receives the provocation
		(neq, ":acting_village", ":target_village"),
		(neq, ":acting_faction", ":target_faction"),

		(call_script, "script_diplomacy_faction_get_diplomatic_status_with_faction", ":target_faction", ":acting_faction"),
		(eq, reg0, 0),

			(party_slot_eq, ":acting_village", slot_center_original_faction, ":target_faction"),

			(call_script, "script_add_notification_menu", "mnu_notification_border_incident", ":acting_village", -1),
			(party_slot_eq, ":acting_village", slot_center_ex_faction, ":target_faction"),

			(call_script, "script_add_notification_menu", "mnu_notification_border_incident", ":acting_village", -1),

			(set_fixed_point_multiplier, 1),
			(store_distance_to_party_from_party, ":distance", ":acting_village", ":target_village"),
			(lt, ":distance", 25),

			(call_script, "script_add_notification_menu", "mnu_notification_border_incident", ":acting_village", ":target_village"),

   (try_for_range, ":faction_1", kingdoms_begin, kingdoms_end),
		(faction_slot_eq, ":faction_1", slot_faction_state, sfs_active),
		(try_for_range, ":faction_2", kingdoms_begin, kingdoms_end),
			(neq, ":faction_1", ":faction_2"),
			(faction_slot_eq, ":faction_2", slot_faction_state, sfs_active),

			#remove provocations
			(store_add, ":slot_truce_days", ":faction_2", slot_faction_truce_days_with_factions_begin),
			(val_sub, ":slot_truce_days", kingdoms_begin),
			(faction_get_slot, ":truce_days", ":faction_1", ":slot_truce_days"),
				(ge, ":truce_days", 1),
					(eq, ":truce_days", 1),
					(call_script, "script_update_faction_notes", ":faction_1"),
					(lt, ":faction_1", ":faction_2"),
					(call_script, "script_add_notification_menu", "mnu_notification_truce_expired", ":faction_1", ":faction_2"),
				(val_sub, ":truce_days", 1),
				(faction_set_slot, ":faction_1", ":slot_truce_days", ":truce_days"),

			(store_add, ":slot_provocation_days", ":faction_2", slot_faction_provocation_days_with_factions_begin),
			(val_sub, ":slot_provocation_days", kingdoms_begin),
			(faction_get_slot, ":provocation_days", ":faction_1", ":slot_provocation_days"),
				(ge, ":provocation_days", 1),
				(try_begin),#factions already at war
					(store_relation, ":relation", ":faction_1", ":faction_2"),
					(lt, ":relation", 0),
					(faction_set_slot, ":faction_1", ":slot_provocation_days", 0),
				(else_try), #Provocation expires
					(eq, ":provocation_days", 1),
					(call_script, "script_add_notification_menu", "mnu_notification_casus_belli_expired", ":faction_1", ":faction_2"),
					(faction_set_slot, ":faction_1", ":slot_provocation_days", 0),
					(val_sub, ":provocation_days", 1),
					(faction_set_slot, ":faction_1", ":slot_provocation_days", ":provocation_days"),

			(try_begin), #at war
				(store_relation, ":relation", ":faction_1", ":faction_2"),
				(lt, ":relation", 0),
				(store_add, ":slot_war_damage", ":faction_2", slot_faction_war_damage_inflicted_on_factions_begin),
				(val_sub, ":slot_war_damage", kingdoms_begin),
				(faction_get_slot, ":war_damage", ":faction_1", ":slot_war_damage"),
				(val_add, ":war_damage", 1),
				(faction_set_slot, ":faction_1", ":slot_war_damage", ":war_damage"),

		(call_script, "script_update_faction_notes", ":faction_1"),

I am wondering if I forgot to set something for the new factions I added. Does anyone know the reason why this message happens and what does it actually mean?

Update: I think I could be getting this because I set some factions not to like each other at the beginning of the game.

Update 2: I found the solution to the issue:
Egbert said:
I just came across a part that can cause bugs if you have more than ten factions. These slot ranges are used for starting wars between factions. If you have more than 10 factions you will need to space these farther apart to make room.
module_constants.py said:
slot_faction_truce_days_with_factions_begin               = 120
slot_faction_provocation_days_with_factions_begin         = 130
slot_faction_war_damage_inflicted_on_factions_begin   = 140
slot_faction_sum_advice_about_factions_begin           = 150

Thanks Egbert!
Sonterp said:
How exactly did you fix the problem? I am having this same problem as well and am sick of clicking away the constant spam of messages.

First: thread is 3 years old
Second: he posted the solution back in 2011, just read the quote in the end

Sonterp said:
Ghostblade4802 said:
I believe it's module_constants. I'm not at my computer to confirm, but that's my educated guess.
I can't find that file anywhere.

@Sonterp, this section of the forum is for modding. So you will need to read the sticker threads about how to mod, how to download the game source, how to compile it, ... With that you will find that file and how to change it.

Start here and good luck: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,240255.0.html
I just wanted to play the Peleponesian war mod without a constant spam of messages every 10 seconds. I'm too stupid to learn how to mod and code myself.
Sonterp said:
I just wanted to play the Peleponesian war mod without a constant spam of messages every 10 seconds. I'm too stupid to learn how to mod and code myself.

then you should ask on the mod forum for help. It could be something simple like a option from a menu or a tweak on text files.

I see you opened a thread there already: http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/topic,328929.0.html

You need to add more info, messages can be alot of stuff.

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