help! irealy do not want to serv the nord forever

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Sergeant at Arms
it's real ****
i mean i cuptured a castle then i joind the nords
and the castle remains mine
but now i don't want to be a nord lord
and if i leave them the castle remains in their hands
it's realy not fair
the thing is that my party limit is 152
and i have about 300 very strong soldiers at th castle
and if i leave them the soldiers will pass to them
also 50 dark ranger that were desertes so i cuptured them
what can i do
Try to captured another Castle / Town and request that's rewarded to you. If the King refuses, then you can take all your fiefs, including your Castle, with you and create your own Kingdom. Note that you will keep relations with other Factions and become an Enemy of the Nords.
Kapt Torbjorn said:
raul-1 said:



Couldn't resist.
Granted, you shouldn't lose your men but think about it like this.  This is a feudal system so all the land belongs to the king.  He allows his nobles to USE the land.  So it's not your castle unless you capture more till he refuses, and then get all mad like you have been wronged.
AvatarJTC said:
Granted, you shouldn't lose your men but think about it like this.  This is a feudal system so all the land belongs to the king.  He allows his nobles to USE the land.  So it's not your castle unless you capture more till he refuses, and then get all mad like you have been wronged.

Well, you have been wronged. What the hell did that one lord who never left his castle in the entire game do to deserve that shiny new castle more than you, the guy who bled for that castle?
Just kick him out on his cozy little backside and rush him off to the frontier, to garrison one of the castles there :razz:
daumor said:
There seems to be a real lack of frontier...
I just meant take him out of the castle, take him near one of your castles close to somebody you're at war with, and station him in it.
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