help getting started

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hello i wonna start making weapons but i have run in to sevel problems already maby u guy's can help me with then

first i have maked a sword with wings 3d but i can't brf to load the texture i'm making for the weapon instead off showing the texture i maked it just show's a lot of pink squres

and secound i dont know how to add my weapon to the items_kinds1 can any one help me with these problems  and dos any know a better program to make moddels and textures then wings 3d??

openBRF doesn't load the texture automatically, you'll have to set up a material, and a texture, inside openBRF then assign that to the model you made. The texture (.dds) must be placed in the Textures folder of your module directory.

I don't know much about Wings3D, I personally prefer 3DS Max, but for most people that's prohibitively expensive (compared to Wings, which is free). Also, many people seem to use Wings 3D so there are quite a few guides and tutorials for it. So unless you have experience with another 3D package, I'd probably stick to Wings if I were you.
hello thanks for your quick answer i've also tried to make it a dds file and add it but i stil get same problem
Well I'm just starting out myself, working on my first little (unannounced) mod, but I've had no problems getting the textures assigned, or working ingame.

You have saved the file as a .dds, and placed it in your modules textures folder? Have you clicked "create new material", and clicked the texture checkbox? Then you need to type the name of the material in the material slot on the imported object. I'm at work so can't check the precise names, or make screenshots.

Once I feel I know a bit more I have thought about, to create a short tutorial outlining the basics from a newbie M&B modders point of view (being one myself).
I used the following thread from tutorials to figure out how to get items into game easily. Its pretty good.. author assumes some intermediate level knowledge but still easy enough to follow for beginner.,112126.0.html

Its for multiplayer, but there can't be much difference except for the inserting coding.
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