Hello People

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Hi all, as you know, i had a great friend here called Eagle114th, and he intrduced me this great game, so i'll be happy to help any moment.

-Jeff H
I am very glad that everyone are giving you such as warm welcome to you. Feel free to hang out and check to see what's up with mount and blade (keep an eye for updated version of this game), suggestion, and finally, mod discuss thread.

Eagle out...
Wow, henderson. This brings back memories. Worthy necro I say, even though you some of the new ones might not appreciate it!
Tiberius Decimus Maximus said:
...You cant be serious.

I bet someone else posted here, then deleted it after Chewwy posted.

Well since Chewbacca's now Watched, I'd guess not.

What an incredibly moronic thing to necro, and in a very stupid way. Some people just have no class, this is pure, irrelevant spam.
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