Heh. Look what I found

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The interesting thing is that the majority voted for Warrider and everyone claimed Mount&Blade didn't sound right... yet here it is, and I couldn't imagine it differently.

People just seem to fear change in general, and once goaded into it, they fear changing that.

Like changing the trend of careless rich white protestant males in the presidency.
OMG! I remeber that topic.. wow.. I thought I posted in it.. hmm, I guess I just voted

I voted 4 M&B

EDIT: This is my second account that I made in april.. I can't remeber what my first one was
Rathanax said:
PrinceScamp said:
How about Marge + Bart?

If you twist that juuust right it sounds really dirty :eek: I have a sick mind.

Ya know, I saw an animated GIF of that once... Bleh..... ummm, anyway, moving on.... :roll:

Or it could be Marsha Brady. Marsha, Marsha, Marsha. meh.
How about Moldy Britches?
Warrider sounds so corny in hindsight. Like an arcade gore / kill kill kill game where you run around and throw axes to kill monsters that generate endlessly from stupid piles of crap, which you have to destroy to stop the flow of monsters. Oh wait, that already exists. It's called Gauntlet.

I would not have thought to download the game with a name like Warrider. But then again, I would've downloaded it much faster with a name like "Marge & Bart going at it doggy style"
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