Heavy armor and archery

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At least my problem is mainly with archery. As it is now, there's barely any reason not to put on the heaviest suit of armor you can afford, even if you're a horse archer. Now i have to say, i'm not very educated regarding this subject in reality, but it seems to me that some armor options should make you unable, or at least lower your skill when using a bow. Maybe some items should have a "cannot use bow while equipped", like plate armor.

I would love to see more encumberence effects from wearing heavier armor as well, maybe a bit slower block and attack speed, and getting up slower after being knocked down. All these changes is to make the game more varied, cause as it is now, there's no reason not to equip the heaviest piece you find.
All of that sounds cool to me. One suggestion though is not to have "cannot use bow while equipped", but to put a significant negative modifier for your archery skill while you're using it. Lower grades of armor like "Rusty" would put a bigger penalty, and higher grades like Lordly would have a reduced penalty.

That only goes for plate armor though. With mail the only downside is its weight. And for a competent soldier, that wouldn't make a difference when using a bow. As for other armors, it's pretty much a case-by-case basis, which would prove a pain, since each one would have to have it's own unique skill modifier for archery and maybe athletics, attack, and all the rest of the stuff you said.

Simple suggestion: greatly increase the protection of plate armor against cutting and arrow damage, but add encumbrance effects that make archery a lost cause and decrease mobility while on foot. It would essentially turn plate armor into a kit used primarily by mounted lancers, making them more specialized at being medieval tanks. And the mail+surcoat soldiers sacrifice a bit of protection for the ability to fight on the ground a lot more effectively.
Nice idea. Units with light armors were much faster than the plate/chainmail wielding troops. Some actions should be executed faster while wearing light armours and I would like to have an evade option. You can block with your weapon or with your shield, but what if someone attacks you with a big axe and you have a shortsword to block with? Blocking sounds like a stupid idea so you could evade the attack and counter attack.
If only there would be some options like stamina, breaking weapons and penetrating blocks with heavy weapons.
No to breaking weapons. No decent weapon would break after one battle.

Also the block is meant to be a parry, not an actual block. No idiot would block weapon to weapon when they could exert far less energy knocking the swing to the side and leaving the enemy open for a counter attack.

As for archery, the only two things that should effect it are your gauntlets (Anyone find it funny you can use a bow with mail mits?) and your helmet (Helmets should make you take AT LEAST a skill hit ti archer type ordeals if not limit your visibility in FPV)
From what I understand, the only reason archers wear little to no armor is because they are either poor (most of the time), or they are foot archers, and therefore constantly have to run around and skirmish. Running around quickly gets tiring in a sweaty metal case. I also can't imagine being able to see jack **** through a sallet (by an archer's standards, anyway). And then, of course, you have the stiffness of the metal joints, not to mention the amount of space everything takes up (reaching a quiver that is on your back or belt is fine, but reaching a quiver that is on the back of your breastplate would be a pain in the ass). Maille is obviously no issue to a horse archer that can afford it, and probably a lot of well-to-do foot archers as well.
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