Health For The Troops

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Greetings. I may have missed this question and its answer despite having searched the forums so my pardon if that's the case.

:?: Why are my troops never at full health? I stop at a tavern for a day or so, I keep them fed, we're not always moving, I have some healing skills, yet they're always:

Health 56/65 or Health 50/58 or etc.

Now, I and Borcha and Marnid all get 100% of our hitpoints but the regular troops? Never at full strength despite the above.

Does anyone know?
I was wondering about that myself, I wasted a couple days resting for the men hehe. I guess they recover health only in action so that you need that skill that heals the party and resting in the tavern won't help, maybe they just drink too much. Crazy soldiers.
Its the Wound Management skill that determines the troop healing I guess. I also have been having a lot more fun with this game since I started putting points into Surgery. Now even if I get crushed some of my dudes are only knocked out instead of dead.
Worm said:
You probably neglected all your medical skills.

:smile: Well, I did state I had healing skills in my first post but to make it more clear:

Wound Treatment 2 (party healing effect of 30% I believe)
Surgery 3 (doesn't seem as relevant as this skill reduces the likelihood of a party member's wound being fatal by 7% for each point. So, you're likely to have more wounded than dead)
First Aid 2 ( doesn't seem relevant as this is for Heroes regaining health)

However, even when I recruit a new trooper, for example a Vaegir footman, his Health is 50/55 without any combat. And it stays that way, regardless of time in the tavern or absence of combat.

In other words, I'm not leaving a tough fight wondering why some of the men are the worse for wear.

Surely, you veterans know the answer without assuming I'm not feeding these guys or neglecting my "medical skills." Like any good leader, I am considered about the state of health of my men. :smile:
And then I put one point into trainer so that me and the men get experience points just from galloping across the landscape.
I guess the character screen show the hit points of non-hero troops wrong.In fact hit opints are not stored for those troops. They are either full health or "wounded".
armagan said:
I guess the character screen show the hit points of non-hero troops wrong.In fact hit opints are not stored for those troops. They are either full health or "wounded".

So they all take the same time to recover?
koolie10 ,

I can understand that you are new to this forum, but whatever you do, bring a very old posts is NOT helpful to community.  If you want to become a very respectful people among us, then STOP doing these kind of posts where you bought ancient posts into this forum where it have already been answered by  this community of Mount and Blade.  You keep this up, you'll become one of most disrespectful people, where your helps will be very liekly to be declined by any of us, in case, you have problem with Mount and Blade in future.  So it is very wise NOT to do idiot things like that... Reconsider of your actions you have taken in here and apologize to everyone for what you have been doing to this community.

Eagle out...
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