Healing Wounds/ Removing that feature??

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Hi, new to the forums and slightly new(A few weeks) to M&B.
Just started playing mods and things, and the first thing that happened when I rolled a character for Expansion...

Recruited a companion and some peasants.
went to help a caravan against some bandido's.
Companion was knocked out and received a wound, losing a point of Charisma.
I didn't think much of it, as I had decided the companion wouldn't need Charisma, but the next battle I was surrounded whilst hit-and-run crossbowing and got myself a wound.

So I'd like to ask, is there a way to remove wounds from the mod, or to heal them once received?? I'm not sure I'm careful enough to play a mod with quite THAT much realism. :S

Any help much appreciated- and I also thought I'd check if they healed over time or something...
Wellenbrecher said:
I want to see how you lift a sword or wear a heavy armor with a deep gash in your leg, arm or on your torso.  :razz:

Is there any way to limit encumbrance? That would cause an actual change to the way the game played while wounded.
Warshrike said:
and I also thought I'd check if they healed over time or something...

They heal over time, check your character or morale status report to see how many days till it heals. If I'm not mistaken, you shouldn't level up wounded stats while it's still wounded...
That's no problem. Once the wound is gone you get back the lost stat points, if you leveld the stat up in teh meantime or not. That's my finding at least.

Edit: Wtf... writing in a non-native language with a hangover, bad idea -.-
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