[HCRP Persistent Faction] The Freikorps Mettenheim

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Das Königreich Mettenheim
[size=12pt]The Kingdom of Mettenheim[/size]
Persistent Faction, Persistent World
Some of the lore used in this persistent faction is from saxondragon's Prophesy of Pendor. http://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php/board,119.0.html

What's new?
All members please share and exchange Steam IDs. Thank you.

Due to the amount of work I have to do in preparation for the end of my semester, I will not be on as much for the next month. I can only ask that our ranking soldiers and members be active and continue the persistent faction in my absence and hopefully bring more interested members to the thread.

Basic Overview

Current Leader:
Friedrich von Holtzer II, Konig
Capital City: Aysenburg
Government Structure: Constitutional Monarchy
Economic Doctrine: Mixed
Religion: No state declared religion
Climate:  Temperate
Global Position: Roughly a seven day sail west-northwest from Calradia
Relative Apperance: An island with similar size and shape to the modern Czech Republic
Most known for: Massive iron deposits, skilled craftsmen, absence of a cavalry force.

Current Intentions:
- Diplomacy and contact with Calradian factions
- Establishing a colony in Calradia
- Declaring a state religion
- Rebuilding the Freikorps Mettenheim

Diplomatic Ties, Negotiations, Treaties, Etc.
The Staghelm Clan has been given right to live on Mettenheim soil in exchange for military duty.
The Republic of Glendor are indefinite trade partners and allies.
House De Havilland are on good terms with the Konig.
The Konig is having suspicious thoughts about the House of Medith.

Brief Description and History:

(Will be posted in the near future)

Royal Family:

Royal Lordship Council (Currently Unplayable)

    Peter Neuer                 Johann Doerschler                         Jurgen Frieden                       Cord von Aysenburg
    Leiter Herr                 Herr Staatsminister                            Herr der Justiz                        Herr der Armee und Marine
    Head Lord                        Lord of State                             Lord of Justice                               Lord of the Army and Navy

Awards and Honors
(I will do all of these in English only)
More to come!

The Kingdom of Mettenheim recognizes accomplishments of soldiers and citizens alike! To be awarded a Mettenheim medal is considered glorious, and will bring great honor and notoriety to ones family.

Prestigious Awards and Decorations
Champion of Mettenheim - A Mettenheim man or woman has proven themselves the most skilled warrior in all of the kingdom by placing first in the annual royal games.
Medal of Honorable Sorrow - A Mettenheim enlisted man or woman has given the ultimate sacrifice, and died to protect the crown.
Mauritz von Mettenheim Award - A Mettenheim enlisted man or woman has proven them self a tactical genius.
Konig Heinrich I Memorial Medal - A Mettenheim enlisted man or woman has served at least one term as a Freikorps Official.

Major Awards and Decorations
Commissioned Officer Pin - A Mettenheim enlisted man or woman has been recognized as a military officer of the Mettenheim Armed Forces.
Bronze Eagle - A Mettenheim citizen or soldier has displayed great bravery and persistence both on and off of the battlefield.
Silver Eagle - A Mettenheim citizen or soldier has displayed even greater acts of selflessness and honor, both on and off of the battlefield.
Gold Eagle - A Mettenheim citizen or soldier has displayed unspeakable acts of courage, righteousness, and steadfastness in the name of the Konig.

Minor Awards and Decorations
Pin of the Rose - A Mettenheim enlisted man or woman has shed their own blood for the Konig, and has been wounded in battle.
Ribbon of Combat Efficiency - A Mettenheim enlisted man or woman has displayed swift and deadly skill in the art of war.
Stripes of the Soldier - A Mettenheim enlisted man or woman has achieved rank in the armed forces.
Drillmasters Pin - A Mettenheim enlisted man or woman has achieved sufficient rank and has volunteered to train future Freikorps soldiers.

Unique or Rare Awards and Decorations
Calradian Defense Ribbon (CDR) - A Mettenheim enlisted man or woman has helped defend Vornneston Castle against foreign invaders.
Blood Empire War Veteran Ribbon (BEWR) - A Mettenheim enlisted man or woman has seen combat and survived against the secretive Blood Empire.

The Freikorps Mettenheim
(The playable part of the faction)

The Freikorps is a specialized branch of the Mettenheim Army that is responsible for establishing and protecting overseas interests as well as smaller military operations on foreign soil. As compared to the standard army of the kingdom, full-time career Freikorps soldiers are considerably more experienced, trained, and equipped.

Founder: Konig Heinrich von Dreutzler I
Last Hochmeister: Friedrich von Holtzer II 
Current Hochmeister: Henrik von Staufenburg
Successor: To be determined
Overseas Colonies and/or Holdings: The Freikorps Mettenheim has control of the Montibeil region.

Offices of Note:

All Freikorps Officials are elected in a democratic fashion by Mettenheim citizens and colonists. The term for each office is two years (Rough a month out of character time). Public officials may be re-elected as many as three times.

Requirements to run for a Freikorps Office:
    - The man or woman must be an officially documented citizen born within Mettenheim territory.
    - The man or woman must hold a military rank of "Sergeant" or higher.
    - The man or woman has documentation that proves him or herself of notable birth or origin.
    - The man or woman is free of any criminal record.

Freikorps Offices:

Kommandant Oberst: This seat is currently vacant
(Colonel Commandant)
Besides the Hochmeister himself, the Kommandant Oberst is in charge of Freikorps armed forces. Responsibilities include but are not limited to overseeing colonial defenses, training and patrol schedules, and recruitment of non-Mettenheim citizens into the armed forces.

Schatzmeister: This seat is currently vacant
The Schatzmeister is responsible for preparing financial records to be sent back to the mainland, requisitioning of funds and/or supplies to be sent to colonies, and accounting of revenue and expenses generated by colonies.

Hauptbotschafter: This seat is currently vacant
(Chief Ambassador)
The Hauptbotschafter is solely responsible for handling foreign diplomatic issues of any kind.

Hofmarschall: This seat is currently vacant
(Court Marshal)
The Hofmarschall handles all judicial issues of Mettenheim colonists, however his duties are more focused on prosecuting members within the military. This includes resolving criminal cases of both colonial citizens and soldiers, mediation of any kind, and proposing new colonial policies.

Freikorps Armed Forces

The Freikorps Mettenheim has a standing army, however all colonists living under the banner of Mettenheim are required by law to be trained and ready for combat at any given time.

Freikorps Armed Forces Rankings (from highest to lowest)

Oberst (Colonel)
Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel)
Major (Major)
Stabshauptmann (Senior Captain - Rare occasion, trains new officers.)
Hauptmann (Captain)
Oberleutnant (1st Lieutenant)
Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant)
Fahnenjunker (Cadet - Officer in training)
Hauptfeldwebel (Master Sergeant)
Stabsfeldwebel (Staff Sergeant - Rare occasion, drill and train soldiers)
Oberfeldwebel (Sergeant First Class)
Feldwebel (Sergeant)
Korporal (Corporal)
Gefreiter(Private First Class)
Soldat (Unranked Soldier)
Rekrut (Recruit- A man or woman who voluntarily enlists in the armed forces as his or her career)
Abgaben (Levy- Citizen-Soldiers who are required by law to fight when ordered to)

Part-Time Military Citizens

A colony requires a lot of labor and planning! Just because you do not protect the colony doesn't mean that you are not contributing to the cause! There are many opportunities overseas even for those who are not fighters. A few examples of non-military positions for colonists:

    - Craftsmen may open stalls and/or manufacture weapons and armor.
    - Engineers to build and repair defenses and buildings.
    - Cooks and Chefs to prepare a well supplemented meal.
    - Hunters to fetch meat and farmers to grow crops.
    - Brewers and Distillers to keep a steady supply of beer and wine.
    - Doctors to maintain public health quality.
    - Priests to bless others and hold sermons.
    - Merchants to travel far and wide and return with exotic goods.
    ...And more!

Laws, Crime, and Punishment

An unfortunate yet predictable aspect of every society. All crimes have set severity, but punishment can be increased or decreased determined by the current state of affairs.

Current Court Severity: Moderate

Mettenheim Colonial Law is based off of a "points" system, where every offense has a set point value. This said value is increased or decreased in correspondence with the current court severity. Each punishment also has a point value to be met with points accumulated from crimes committed.

Colonial Law

Crime                                                        Black Marks
Assault on a civilian                                            2
Assault on military personnel                            8
Assault on nobility or royalty                            9
Manslaughter with a Horse                              7                 
(Assault with an empty hand)                          +0
(Assault with a weapon)                                  +2

Petty Theft (Value 1-499)                                  3
Theft (Value 500-999)                                        6
Grand Theft (Value 1000+)                                10
Horse Theft                                                        9

Sexual Assault of any nature                            14
Employment of an assassin                                15
Attempted murder                                              15
Murder of a civilian                                            20
Murder of military personnel                              25
Murder of nobility or royalty                              40

Punishment                                                        Black Marks

Average Fine                                                              1-7
High Fine                                                                    8-10
Stripped of Titles and/or Honors                                10-16
Moderate Jail Sentence                                              10-16
(Unable to use character for five days)
Elongated Jail Sentence                                            17-30
(Unable to use character for two weeks)
Execution                                                                    31+
(Character is deleted permanently)

Rules, Applications, and Rosters


- This is a ROLEPLAY oriented faction.
- On the forums, in-game, out of character, you must observe all necessary rules and conduct yourself in a positive and decent manner.
- Know your place in-character! Respect all titles and rankings of other characters!
- When joining this faction, please have a legitimate role playing name, with a first name and a surname.
- You may have up to two (2) different characters in this persistent faction, however only one political office at a time.
- (Only during a scheduled event or shieldwall battle) If your character dies, you must delete him or her permanently and create another.
- Please check this thread frequently, perhaps once a day. I will post important news and messages on the first page.


Application for Freikorps Enlistment: - This is for players to apply to join the persistent faction.
Application for enlistment in the Freikorps Mettenheim
Mettenheim Name(s):
Side Occupation(s):
Military Service(Yes or No):
Brief Description or Biography:
What can you offer this faction and your fellow roleplayers?

Application of Titled Citizenship: - This is for existing characters to apply for the right to be recognized as a titled citizen by Mettenheim.
Application of Titled Citizenship
First name:
Current Occupation:
Military Service:
Notable Accomplishments, duties, or positions:

Application for Colonial Office of Note: - This is for characters that wish to run for a Freikorps office.
Application for Colonial Office of Note
First name:
Desired Office of Note:
Military Service:
Extra Qualifications or Experience:
Vouch from a Noble:
Vouch from a comrade or friend:

Application for Court Summons: - This is for a character that wishes to press charges against another, or set up a formal mediation.
Application for Court Summons
Applicants full name:
Name(s) of the opposite party:
Reason for summoning the opposite party to the court:
Applicants primary demand or punishment for the opposing party:


_- Common Citizen      *- Titled Citizen    **- Royalty      ^- Full-time military service    ^^- Military Officer    (O)- Freikorps Public Official
x- Criminal record   

**      (Konig) Konig Friedrich II , King of Mettenheim
**(O) (Hochmeister) Henrik von Staufenburg, Grandmaster of the Freikorps Mettenheim, Warmarshal of the Mettenheim Army, current Champion of Mettenheim
*^^    (Stabshauptmann) Leopold Mauer, Commissioned Officer Pin, Ribbon of Combat Efficiency, CDR, BEWR
*^        (Soldat) Andres Fleischer
*^        (Soldat) Marik Skala
*^        (Korporal) Siegfried Eberstark, military doctor/civilian doctor, Stripes of the Soldier, Bronze Eagle, Pin of Modesty
*^        (Korporal) Ulrich Koenigsmann, Stripes of the Soldier, BEWR
_^        (Rekrut) Dirk Vilindor
_^        (Gefreiter) Henrietta Abendroth, Pin of the Rose, Stripes of the Soldier, BEWR
_          (Abgaben) Bok Witbier
*^        (Feldwebel) Oskar Schringer, Bronze Eagle, Combat Efficiency Ribbon, Stripes of the Soldier, BEWR
_^        (Soldat) Eli
_^        (Gefreiter) Adolf Shultz, Stripes of the Soldier, CDR, BEWR
_^        (Soldat) Grubhart Grunewald, BEWR
_^        (Soldat) Rodrick Bismark, BEWR
_^        (Soldat) Cyril Dreyer, BEWR
_^        (Soldat) Alexander Baldur,
Fluffy Socks
_^        (Rekrut) Lilith Foryuktavi,
The Cleric
_          (Abgaben) Armand Bayard,
Unicron Buddy
_^        (Rekrut) Palor Hendrich,
Llama with a hat
_          (Abgaben) Mina Hundermann,
Right says..in game, in character I must conduct myself positively and decent? As fun as that sounds....
Application for Citizenship of the Kingdom of Mettenheim
Mettenheim Name(s): Andres Fleischer
Occupation(s): Butcher/Hunter
Partial or Full Military Service: Full
Brief Description or Biography: When Andres was growing up in lovely Lübeck northern Germany , he worked in his fathers slaughter house till the age of 17, then he spent his days hunting , stalking his prey for days on end in the great German forests. He is a master with his sword and very skilled with his bow . His weapon of choice is the German Great sword/Great sword 
What can you offer this faction and your fellow roleplayers? well i can offer a great sense of fighting and war tactics , and will lead men TO GLORY AND VICTORY !!! :grin: 
Application for Citizenship of the Kingdom of Mettenheim
Mettenheim Name(s): Marik Skala, referred to as "The Rock"
Occupation(s): Warrior, Mercenary
Partial or Full Military Service: Full
Brief Description or Biography: Marik grew up in Boskovice, but he had no idea where that was. His father worked him into pickpocketing the streets until he has old enough to fight. He was forced into brawls with other boys, and men and women would bet who would win. His uncle and father beat him into shame until he was a brute, and had made his father rich with bets. He could snap a boar's neck with his two hands, and chop a tree down faster than any other. He is also intelligent when it comes to tactics, and can see weaknesses in almost anything. Although he has a vast knowledge, he remains silent unless he is asked upon his opinion, which is rare, as most officers throw him in the battle with a club. After his 24th birthday, still unmarried and a pagan amongst society, he seeks employment with flourishing kingdoms.
What can you offer this faction and your fellow roleplayers? An interesting plot, unpredictable scenes, an iron fist, and a hell of a ride.
Application for Citizenship of the Kingdom of Mettenheim
Mettenheim Name(s): Siegfried Eberstark
Occupation(s): Healer/Diplomat
Partial or Full Military Service: Full
Brief Description or Biography: A man of small beginnings, Siegfried's father and mother never truly amounted to much. His father was an ex-soldier, who had retired to the country when his service had ended. There, he and his wife ran a small, but somewhat profitable farm - enough to keep them fed and warm, which was all Siegfried could ever have asked for. As soon as he was able, Siegfried spent his days doing household chores, work out in the fields, and evening sparring with his father.

By the Age of Seven, his parents had managed to save the coin needed to send him to train under a practicing physician in one of the more prominent towns. There he was treated sternly, but fairly, doing chores for most of his daily life, but learning slowly the specialty of medicine. As time went on, his teacher would even allow him to treat some of his patients, though of course Siegfried received no coin for his work, and he didn't mind that one bit.

In his later years as a Teenager, Siegfried would be granted the privilege of accompanying his master to the houses and manors of minor nobility in order to treat those more fortunate. It was during these times that he managed to befriend a Lesser Lord, and - with the permission of his master - spent weeks at a time at there at court, representing his master as the lord's Physician (Though the position was not so much one of necessity as personal friendship). There he would learn some of the finer points of living, something that he enjoyed but never became accustomed to, but more importantly it was during this time he picked up on the skill of diplomacy and tact.

While medicine was something that he had worked hard at, he never was particularly exceptional at it, having little to no knack for the workings of the human body. Amongst the lords and ladies of the land, however, he excelled at conversation whether it was at the dinner table, or a philosophical debate with his betters. In time, Siegfried was removed from his apprenticeship altogether, and made a permanent member of Court. While he now uses his tongue more than anything, he does not forget his training as a healer, his military roots via his father, and most importantly his humble beginnings
What can you offer this faction and your fellow roleplayers? Intelligent RP. Grand Combat Experience Via Crpg. Respect and Dignity. And, of course, fun all around.
Andres Fleischer, Marik Skala, Siegfried Eberstark:

Thank you for applying for citizenship of the great Kingdom of Mettenheim. After careful review of your application, it is with great joy that I congratulate you as well, for you have been approved as a fully documented citizen. I hope that you find your new life as a Freikorps to be an adventurous and prosperous one.

With Regards,

Henrik von Staufenburg
Hochmeister, Freikorps Mettenheim
Warmarshal, Army of Mettenheim
Application for Citizenship of the Kingdom of Mettenheim
Mettenheim Name(s):Ulrich_Koenigsmann
Occupation(s): Soldier
Partial or Full Military Service:Full
Brief Description or Biography: Ulrich Koenigsmann was born to a noble in southern Mettenheim. From the time he was a child, he practiced with his preferred weapon, the sword. When he was old enough, he left his home, and ventured through Pendor, and even through Calradia. He served countless feudal lords in their struggles, if the pay was high enough. He soon grew bored of being a mercenary, and sought out a ruler to whom he could pledge his sword. He soon found that the ruler he sought was back home, in Mettenheim. He is now awaiting acceptance to Mettenheim’s Freikorps.
What can you offer this faction and your fellow roleplayers? I can offer my roleplaying, and loyal service to the Freikorps.
You do realize that a lot of people was banned for using the Freikorps tags about 4-5 months ago, as they where widely used under the second world war by the effin Nazi's.
Tyrsted said:
You do realize that a lot of people was banned for using the Freikorps tags about 4-5 months ago, as they where widely used under the second world war by the effin Nazi's.

Right, except the tag will not even include the word "Freikorps" in it. Don't post on my forums if you don't have anything productive to shell out.

Maximus, are you done with Persistent World yet?

I would also like you keep in mind that this is the Freikorps Mettenheim, not Freikorps of Germany.

The word itself in English is "Free Corps", which is a volunteer paramilitary unit.
Serann said:
Hm, say...
Why did you decide for Freikorps as your kind of military?

Like posted, the Freikorps is a branch of the Mettenheim Army that was founded to establish and protect overseas interests. Primarily for protecting any future colonies Mettenheim may acquire, the Freikorps Mettenheim can also be called in to assist foreign allies.
Serann said:
No, I mean: Freikorps has a meaning and all

What made you decide for an army based on volunteers and unprofessionals?

That right Serann you tell him!

OT:  As soon as my questions are answered I shall apply.

1. Does the char I make for this faction have to be all good and pure and whatnot?
2. If I'm naughty and no one saw you won't...metagame to catch me eh?
3. If I am reported by some non-mettenheim snitch, you would believe my teary-eyed professions of innocence over them right? Unless they have proof of course. *Dumps bodies in river there is no proofs*  :razz:
Boarlady said:
Serann said:
No, I mean: Freikorps has a meaning and all

What made you decide for an army based on volunteers and unprofessionals?

That right Serann you tell him!

OT:  As soon as my questions are answered I shall apply.

1. Does the char I make for this faction have to be all good and pure and whatnot?
2. If I'm naughty and no one saw you won't...metagame to catch me eh?

Whatever your definition of naughty is (I don't really want to know), let it be in-bounds of the colonial law. You may act however you like, however be aware of the consequences.

To answer your last question: Not quite.
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