Having issue with floris mod!

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I'm having an issue where whenever i use volley fire, nothing dies. I mean it works, my crossbow a4 men shoot, but it's like nothing ever gets killed. When i hit fire at will though all of a sudden the enemy die. Also when i put in pre-battle orders sometimes during the actual battle when i try to change them it says infantry, they light up, but when i click for instance shield wall they do nothing or after i click on brace spears it gives me this message about "infantry division cannot blah or something" but right before the brace order i could order them to do any command.

Ok now it's saying, target infantry? wtf it only targets infantry how do i change that?(update)

Also i only have around 20 a4  rhodok crossbows with another 2 a5 assedio? is it because i have less troops that volley is not that effective?(update)
Update. NOW THEY DIE! i have about 30-40 a5 rhodoks, in they all just die glorious death. Nothing better then seeing dozens of men dying at once, volley fire is awesome but only against massed infantry it seems extremely effective is cavalry not a good target?
It could be related to the way they aim, which is hardcoded (and therefore not Floris' fault). They don't lead targets and aim at where enemies are located at the moment, so when they release and the target twitches a little, as is more common with horsemen, the shot misses completely. Archers don't tend to aim for horses, though inaccurate archers will likely kill a bunch of horses accidentally.
I think i get what you mean, from what i noticed when it comes to single people or watching my xbow troops before they fire in a generalized spread shot, so if the first horsemen show up ahead of the rest of cavalry they fire around and at him like an area affect, they then tend to ignore the other more numerous horde of cavalry  and instead focus on the guys who already broke through the lines instea d of native where only a few dudes depending on who is close would just take care of that single guys/guys but in floris even the infantry all turn around, focus in on the calv guys and ignore they have just left their back open for a mass of archers to shoot up their backside. Should i  change this to native ai with formations? or is there a way to keep the formation ai but fix it? 

Sounds like a poorly-trained regiment in real life though haha.

Should i  change this to native ai with formations? or is there a way to keep the formation ai but fix it?
FormAI actually didn't make any changes to their targeting choices. As far as I know that's also hardcoded, because I don't see any commands to tell agents WHO to shoot at. They generally try to target the closest enemy, even in melee. That's why if you try to sneak up from the flank they will often turn around to face you even if they shouldn't even know you're there.
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