Have sword, will travel, nowhere to go. My faction is at peace! Help!

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First of all, i'm not terribly patient. I waited a month (in game time) and kept checking the lords for the 'declare' war quest...i find it hilarious, that i have an army but nobody to fight!

What's even more funny is the game/char I started before this as Rodhoks, we were at war with everyone...in my current game at 200+ days, we were only ever at war with the Kergits and Vaegirs.

I'm tired of chasing bandits (for the moment)...and am just itching to get a castle. Any tips? (besides starting over!)
you can take up qeusts with lords. you may find a evil lord. all the factions have one. those kinds of lords are most likely the ones giving war qeusts. you can notice them because alle the other lords hate them.
There's a quest that allows you to raid a faction's caravans to force them to declare war, dishonourable lords will give you this quest.

So just find one, save, and reload when he doesn't give you the quest.

Of course, factions may randomly declare war, so you might get lucky.
Jeesus you retards.

lovemb said:
First of all, i'm not terribly patient. I waited a month (in game time) and kept checking the lords for the 'declare' war quest...i find it hilarious, that i have an army but nobody to fight!

There is nothing you can do unless you want to fight a whole faction by yourself. To get the quest quicker(Only works on non-realistic saving) save before talking to a lord, and then keep asking him for a quest then reloading until you get it.
Mabons said:
Jeesus you retards.

lovemb said:
First of all, i'm not terribly patient. I waited a month (in game time) and kept checking the lords for the 'declare' war quest...i find it hilarious, that i have an army but nobody to fight!

There is nothing you can do unless you want to fight a whole faction by yourself. To get the quest quicker(Only works on non-realistic saving) save before talking to a lord, and then keep asking him for a quest then reloading until you get it.

actually some people don't like to play that way.

As in save/reload. It's a form of cheating IMO.
Lol. Happened on one of my old Native games, too. The Rhodoks arn't at war with anyone. Ya know, it's hard to keep up the morale of 100+ Sergeants.
Get negative relations w/ a faction, and take your own castle...?

Also, I dont find it too much of a cheat if you were to change the morale script *whistles*
Simply start a personal war with somebody. currently the Vaegirs aren`t at war with anybody but I`m in the process of trashing the Swadians and Nords :twisted:
Personally when I wan't war, I don't go randomly on lords asking for quests. Instead I visit town/village of our faction and keep asking rumors until someone says that "person x loves nothing more than war". Only after that I go to kiss person x's arse until war quest which usually pops up quite fast.

Saves the trouble of doing unnecessary quests to pacifist lords.
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