Harry Potter

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I just finished rereading the Harry Potter books, in anticipation of Half Blood Prince in a few weeks.

It's a great experience to reread these books, especially close together for continuity.

An important part of the plot structure of these books is very similar to mystery novels. Small clues are introduced that later prove useful. Rereading the novels is a richer experience due to this added dimension.

[SPOILER WARNING - if you haven't read Chamber of Secrets, the following contains info that may spoil some surprises]

Harry's a dark hero, isn't he.







I wonder if there will be consequences after his using an Unforgivable Curse. He attacked Bellatrix with the Crucio curse -- OK, it's true that it didn't quite work out, but he did use it on a human, and that's a life sentence to Azkaban.

And why didn't he make use of the communication mirrors that Sirius gave him?

[SPOILER WARNING - Goblet of Fire]

Also, why the whole tournament in Goblet of Fire? Couldn't any object have been used as a portkey? Didn't have to depend so much on the tournament at all, did it?
I haven't read them in a long while so I can't really remember everything, but I did think that the chosen one (or whatever they call it) is going to be Neville [sp?] not Harry.
My reasoning was the prophesy (I think) said the Voldemort would scar the person who could kill him. Well what happened to Neville's parents has scarred him mentally. That's the only thing that I can remember, but I'm sure there were other things as well that made it seem like it could be either Harry or Neville, and as the books are full of plot twists (or at least suprising endings) I think it could very well be Neville.
The prophesy was a wizard born in July. Both Harry and Neville were born at that time. Only the first part of the prophesy was overheard. The second part included the marking, which is the scar, presumably the one on Harry's forehead.
They are competent literary works in my opinion, and It is an opinion that I believe to be shared by many people. So please don't flame people for being different to yourself, or you might suddenly wake up one morning with a swastika tattooed onto your chest and printed on a flag hanging above your bed. Yes, I'm talking to you Laurence and Lhorkan. If a topic is not to your liking, please in the future place constructive criticism or none at all.
Of course I will admit they are not perfect; I personally think they are good but not worth all of the 'hype' they seem to possess (*that* is an example of *constructive* criticism).
I can see why people read them, but personally none of the characters or situations appeal to me. I personally like books more along the lines of Elric and Fafhr and the Grey Mouser.
Then I'll have to revive it! (Knowing everything about HP, with the experience of the few ten pages of the first book). Do you think it was Hagrid that sent Harry those letters or does he just say so?
mmmm... cake !! BUT are they chocolate cake or fruit cake? now thats the ultimate question :!: :???:
how the hell did harry potter turn into cake?

well i dont read books thats why my typing sucks

but last time i read it was the sword of shannara series it was pretty good for a book
I liked them, the fourth one especially. Didn't much care for the last one.. harry was all "pms bleargh". Real angst-ey.
Not at all realistic, those books. The characters act nothing like the teenagers at my school and this can be backed up with lines such as:

' "Here here" said Harry and Ron together '

And also, idiots like Crabbe and Goyle would probably beat the living crap out of rich kids like Malfoy who everyone would hate because of the way he thinks he is better than them. And also, you cant have a whole house as evil people because that is pretty impossible.

With my rant over, they are pretty entertaining. And then again, they are wizards, so their school people probably behave different to our own.
Rabid Potatoe said:
Not at all realistic, those books. The characters act nothing like the teenagers at my school and this can be backed up with lines such as:

' "Here here" said Harry and Ron together '

And also, idiots like Crabbe and Goyle would probably beat the living crap out of rich kids like Malfoy who everyone would hate because of the way he thinks he is better than them. And also, you cant have a whole house as evil people because that is pretty impossible.

With my rant over, they are pretty entertaining. And then again, they are wizards, so their school people probably behave different to our own.
..... of course there not like muggles like u... we are wizards n the muggle world sux compared to ours :!: :twisted:
Anybody have some guesses on who the title is referring to?

Figured if it wasn't talking about some new character, it might be referring to Hagrid, since he's got giant blood in him.

'Course, seeing him as the prince type is kind of a stretch...
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