Hard disk crashes arent fun

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Sergeant Knight
Im so pissed, my harddirive recently broke down with a "kronk" sound, 140gigs of stuff went with it, and no money for a new one. Yea it would have been wise to make backups, but how can i afford 300 cd's or 50 dvds? when i havent got a job. Damn do i need to by myself 2 harddrives the next time so that i have 1 spare if the other breaks? Same goes for everything else, damn, soon im afraid to use my PC at all, i have no spare parts. It sucks to know that stuff can "only get worse", coz my pc sure as hell wont get any better, only break down. I got lucky that i could borrow my friends laptop so that i could burn SUSE linux Live cd and use the internet from there. So now i need to get a job, and only then i can afford a new harddisk which has the same odds of breaking down. FFS stuff in life can only get worse, but i guess thats why you have to try making stuff better in life. Backups are only for people who have some money, and those are the ones that save money when accidents happen. GRRR etc stuff...
Fheeww, that sucks. It can never happen to me though!

OK, it can. But so far I've always been the lucky bastard who never had his disc crashed.
My friend (Who will be known as Shock) recently saw his harddrive explode. He backs up his hard drives almost ritualistically, though.

And he had a spare 120 GB, so.

Also, my 60 GB died too. But I got my 80 handy. :grin:.
The drive on the comp I'm using now is dying. Writing no longer works correctly, though it can read. But I regularly back up to my spare hd, cds, and my laptop. And I'll try to set up my next computer with RAID. :cool:
Fluffy The Hamster said:
My friend (Who will be known as Shock) recently saw his harddrive explode.

SWEEETT!!! lucky bum....hey, programs can be re-installed but your hard drive exploding...thats a once in a life time awesome experience.
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