Handguns - Reloading animation

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Ok, i've got a glock, an semi-automatic handgun, and I need to make it to where it dosent reload like a muzzle loader, how can i keep it from having to reload everytime?
Your help is much appreciated =)
spiritwind said:
Ok, i've got a glock, an semi-automatic handgun, and I need to make it to where it dosent reload like a muzzle loader, how can i keep it from having to reload everytime?
Your help is much appreciated =)
In the modulesystem, just change the "max_ammo(1)" to "max_ammo(500)" Or something, meaning you'll only need to reload it every 500 shots, instead of every shot.
atm making your own animation isnt possible, and seting max ammo to 500 may be a bad idea unless you have a ridiculous number of shots available. I'd recommend setting the max_ammo of the gun to whatever your mags have (if they have 24 shots and you only plan to carry one, set it to 24, if you plan to carry 2 then set max_ammo as 4:cool:.
Actually that was one of the discussion topics of our Calradia 1914 team. We were trying to figure out how the author made the AI shoot AK47 like that without reloading.
Maybe he just didnt set them as pistols or rifles but rather kept them as a bow, my ai dont have to reload at all when you have them set as bows, they just do the animation to pull the string back =p.  But im fixing all that :wink:.
Thanks for your help guys!
Ok, New problem.. I cannot get into the module files to edit this.  So anything with python I can't work.  The reason is because if i do then everything i've worked with in notepad *regular files like Menus, factions bla bla bla u know them all*  would all disappear, so if there is a  way without getting into the module system files i'd love to know!
Well, you could always do what I told the Mongol Mod people.

Make the modulesystem export to a folder thats different from your mod's folder, (ie make a new folder from a copy of Native) then when you export whatever from the modue system, just go into the text file that was changed, and (if you've already made changes to the one in your mod's folder) find the changed lines and paste them in your mod's folder.
Yepp, did that before I was able to get back to this.  Thanks as ton tho!  Also for anyone that runs into this, the item editer has a thing for this, its max ammo :wink:.  So just change that past 1 and wallla XD.  New problem tho... No stores have my guns when I set them to pistols and muskets ;(.
Cloud Breaker said:
That appears to be true. My AI were dumb maybe.
The AI does indeed fire properly, although its spaced, a faster weapon would counter it but it'd still be slower than a player using the same.
Also, the AI is already dumb, yours is just dumber :smile:

EDIT: Guns dont appear in the shop, you'll need to set them to refresh in the weapon npc's inventory yourself.
Do you mean just give him weapons in his inventory?  Never heard of that?  I must be confused about what your says.  *Still learning :wink:*
back to python I'm afraid: Triggers, where it has 'refresh armour seller' and "refresh wepaonsmith"

you need to add a line for itp_bullets, itp_pistol and itp_musket, same as what are already there for itp_two_handed, itp_shield etc etc
Alright, since things have changed since I asked this question, I'll ask something similar.
Which animation brf holds the crossbow, musket, bow, and pistol reloading animations?
Thanks =).
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