Hall of Fame for Fallen Heroes

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There have been occasions when my entire party has been nominated and voted into the Hall of Fame in one fell swoop - mostly after things like that ill-fated experiment with throwing daggers (don't ask) and there's no record of their history.

Maybe we could have the occasional "hero" marker for a particularly courageous warrior - I'm thinking like Warlords Battlecry's "graveyard" in which the name, date of death, could be located.

Again, not an elaborate graveyard where Khergit raiders would suddenly appear or where you lay a wreath, I mean a screen with: Baltazar, Knight, KIA Day 425 or some such thing in addition to an achivement.

Assuming of course one either gets "killable" NPCs with names or the "battlefield promotion" idea is employed.
Speaking of heroic NPCs you control, it'd be cool if war units could turn into "leaders" randomly (on a very small random chance, if they were the highest level, after each battle) so that they'd get assigned a name (by you or randomly by the computer) and be like Marnid and Borcha (if you upgraded them). Then they'd gain levels again like Marnid and Borcha instead of being stuck at 24-25, and have their skills available to the party. This would be analogous to the Civilization 3 method of leader creation where elite units would occasionally generate a leader after being successful in combat. It adds to the personalization and nonlinearity of the game since the random chance is very small.
I really like the new hero generation method you describe (worthy of its own thread title dont you think?) - it could save the game dev from coming up with more cool hero's - we would make them ourselves... (should be VERY rare though)

I like the grave yard idea but would like it to be available from the pre-game screen as well - similar to a regular hof screen
I don't think heroes should be generated randomly from any given population of known people. Rather that they are the leaders of large war parties or Dark Knight companies.
I think the hero generation thing would be dead cool - you would pretty much have to have a small chance for those heroes to get killed though, or you would eventually end up with a whole boat load of 'em. :wink:
Skelly said:
I think the hero generation thing would be dead cool - you would pretty much have to have a small chance for those heroes to get killed though, or you would eventually end up with a whole boat load of 'em. :wink:
Yes, that could be limited arbitrarily,for example by stopping promotions as long as there are a certain number of heroes in the party.
I remember a very similar thread, where i had an idea on this. If your hero dies, you can create a new game, and you'll be able to see your old heroe's grave around the place where he died. On the grave it details the heroe's name, age (in days), rank in the army and how he died. I think that would be a really neat little egg.
:l that gives me an even wilder idea. how about this..
let's say you have several characters in you saved games folder.
now wouldn't it be cool to come across one of these in the map.
right now i have a crossbowdood and i'm wondering if i could do against my old character (psychotic axe wielding armoured tank). i'd like to find out.
slavetrader said:
:l that gives me an even wilder idea. how about this..
let's say you have several characters in you saved games folder.
now wouldn't it be cool to come across one of these in the map.
right now i have a crossbowdood and i'm wondering if i could do against my old character (psychotic axe wielding armoured tank). i'd like to find out.
Yeah, if they stand were they was saved last time, but if I think there will have to be two options when saving:

1. Save
2. Save and leave character

And the other means the character can be seen by any other player.
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