HalfLife 2 Mods?

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Well, i ran a search, and came up with 1600+ results, so i'll just make a new thread whether its been discussed or not :lol: I finally got around to getting HL2, and was wondering what mods are out there and what's good? I remember seeing a few rpg's a while back that looked cool, but can't recall the names of them. In any case, if someone would be kind enough to make a list of as many free HL2 mods as they can think of, i'd be very grateful! Thanks, and merry christmas everyone!!!
Counterstrike is obvious.

Battlegrounds 2, which is Revolutionary War Era, it's a Beta. Might have mispelled the name. Suprisingly fun, even if the combat is not really accurate, and there are plenty of bugs. It places accuracy on a premium.

Dystopia is Cyberpunk game which could be, I suppose, compared to CS meets Ghost in the Shell meets Sin meets the matrix. It's very polished, rather interesting, and has very cool combat.

Plan of Attack is a rather unique one, with CS like combat, involving the taking and defending of randomly chosen sites within the map.
There's one called "The Hidden" I think which is basically a one vs everyone else thing where the one is the hidden and is sort of invisible, like Predator in the films, tis done very very well. you're faster and stronger and can climb on walls and drag the bodies round and things, check it out! Most atmospheric game/mod I've played for a while.
spoon said:
There's one called "The Hidden" I think which is basically a one vs everyone else thing where the one is the hidden and is sort of invisible, like Predator in the films, tis done very very well. you're faster and stronger and can climb on walls and drag the bodies round and things, check it out! Most atmospheric game/mod I've played for a while.

I second this ...

The Hidden rocks! My wife bought a second copy of HL-2 (and all the extras) just so that we could play together.

HeWhoHides and SheWhoHides ... if you ever see us give us a yell. :wink:

Hey Narcissus. Downloaded "the hidden" yesterday and its pretty fun. I'll keep an eye out for you. What server do you usually play in? Never seem to be more than 5 or 6 up though. I was wondering, do some people just see the hidden better than others? When the hidden is completely still i can't see him at all, where as others seem to have no trouble and i'm dead before i can hit the pounce key! :shock: Possibly a bug that makes the hiddens' transparency somewhat dependent on your system config? Oh, and wouldn't you know it...i haven't bought a new game in well over a year (aside for M&B, but $12 is almost free anyway) and my power supply decides to burn itself out 2 days after i get 3 new games. Grrrr, what are the odds?
yeah i used to play plan of attack, but only play hidden and battlegrounds 2 now, there the best 1s. when the hidden is standing still you cannot see him, only when he moves can u see him.
See, thats what i thought Danny. But after getting lit up and owned while i wasn't moving at all several times, i asked some people in the server if they could see me when i was standing still. They laughed and called me a "n00b" and claimed that you just have to have a keen eye, or get a "real" video card. Typical Counterstrike'ish welcome where certain people have to maintain their E-penis :lol: Anyway, this isn't the forum to post this really, but i seriously think how well you can see the hidden is system specific.
Keep your eye on "No more room left in hell", should be out this spring.


A multiplayer, cooperative "fight the zombies" mod for HL2.
If you want medieval combat, go to Age of Chivalry.
Doesn't even seem close to done yet, but promising.

God, I'd find the Hidden fun if I didn't suck ass at it due to my poor vision.
Rarely do I actually see the Hidden unless he's very close or I'm on full alert, due to the fact that someone right next to me just got stabbed (and even then it's like, a 5% chance I'll actually SEE him). And I just plain suck as Hidden. I'm TOO patient, or, when I try to be not patient, I get shot. A lot.

We haven't played in a while and will probably be a while before we can play again.

Just wanted to add that if the transparency is system specific ... I've never noticed.

I've played with a 9600pro, a 9800xt, a x800 xl and a 7800 gt ... I could see the hidden even when they were stationary with all four graphics cards ...

No, I literally have permanent (unless they come up with something magical in 10 years) low vision, which can't be corrected by laser eye surgery. It's because my eyes twitch all the time randomly, and it's really weird when you see me do it for the first time. I don't even notice, it seems like I look straight. I've often heard people say, "Dude, look at me when I'm talking to you-" which I cut in with "I AM, DAMMIT!" My vision is 20-100 with glasses. Only reason I need them is because I'm nearsighted, like it really matters. Note that nearsightedness is something completely different (and curable).
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