Knight at Arms

OK, well I was playing around with the hair colors for the dark elves in my mod, and I came up with a rather nice array of potential colors for the player to choose from using the following color codes for the dark elf female face texture:

I think it's a pretty good variety. I intend to limit the hair colors the npcs use, but I wanted the player to have as many choices as possible. I intend to make similar varieties for the other races in my mod.
The main reason I am posting this here though, is I found out that if I put more than 8 hex codes in, it would crash the game while attempting to load the textures. Here's a screenshot of the colors I used as well as some of the transitional colors in between those eight:("dark_elf_female",0xffe3e8ef,["hair_blonde"],[0xff007080c, 0xffFFFFFF, 0xffFF6600, 0xffFF0000, 0xffFF00CC, 0xff6600CC, 0xff0000FF, 0xff007080c]),

I think it's a pretty good variety. I intend to limit the hair colors the npcs use, but I wanted the player to have as many choices as possible. I intend to make similar varieties for the other races in my mod.