they can be used for the following purpose
1) to reveal the hidden location of the Mines of Al-Aziz (takes one qualis gem) -> from one of the book merchants (brother randolf or something like that)
2) to purchase a runed weapon at the merchant at the Mines of Al-Aziz (takes one qualis gem per weapon)
3) to enchant a runed weapon at the crazy man at the Mines of Al-Aziz (takes one qualis gem per enchant, one enchant per weapon)
4) to found (build) certain Knight's orders (takes 1 qualis gem, 20k gold and anywhere from 10 to 25 honor, limit of one knighthood order per castle/city) -> through your steward under the war conversation thread
5) obtain a elixir that adds 2 to strength, 2 to agility, 20 to one of the proficiencies, and restores your luck (takes one qualis gem, CAN BE REPEATED MULTIPLE TIMES.... don't know if that is a glitch or not, but you can do it more than once.... at least i was able to) -> you get this from the three word named book merchant (not brother randolf dude)
6)...... don't know of any others, but it is possible since saxon did say he had some easter eggs, and only one has been found so far, at least that has been posted of the forum (muahahahahahah...... ya.... i wish i found others........ shiaattttt)
Anyways, hopes this helps (although all this information is spread out through the forum..... but meh, i have free time...... being nice is a virtue.... right?.... i think?)
*Edit* So.... decided to add this in....since i have this feeling it will be asked after the original question.
1) the easter egg that has been found and posted about (i don't want to ruin the fun..... it is on like 10 different posts.... so i believe it can be easily found using search)
2) a chest in a location in a city someplace in pendor, if you played 1.xx you know which cities it was in before, it is still there, only one of the two chests contain one though
3) capture a unique spawn (this does not include the following, snake cult unique spawns (because saxon said so), and i think one of the others, possibly heretics, but not positive on that one. Factions lords DO NOT count as unique spawns and WILL NOT drop qualis gems, even if you think god or the little leprechaun told you they would.... damn lying leprechauns)
4) god comes to this world and deems that you should have a qualis gem in a video game that he most likely doesn't care about
*second edit* (ok.... maybe im a little ocd.... but only about some things, i swear!)
added in where to do things in first part
*third edit* (yes.... alright, i really am massively ocd... but only when tired.... i think... i hope...)
being since is a virtue.... right? ...... i think i left out a word..... damn mind going quicker than my hands.....