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What are some good gun mods, if any? And how do you add them to the game? (or any custom weapon for that matter)
narcissus is humbling

There is no support for firearms in this game yet, they have to be modded in of course, there are two (2) topics on this page about a wild west mod(s) also there is a search function and read the stickied topics.
Welcome to the forums.
Because I wanted to know if I missed something. I wanted to know if there were muskets or something. Could you recomend any good weapon mods?
Oh ok, right of course. Hugemod, that's it. But it's not updated yet so you'll have to wait. Also, if you search around a bit you will find most people are oposed to guns ingame, unless it's a mod that has guns in the theme. I can't help with modding questinos though.
@ Gheyz0r ... I'm not sure if there are any re-skin packs to download yet. Some weapons and armors have received reskins, but as far as I know there hasn't been a compilation of them (excepting hugemod obviously).

@ PrinceScamp ... Sometimes you are super helpful and nice and sometimes, not quite as much as other times. Be helpful and polite. It can be frustrating, I realize ... yet remember that new members haven't been living on these forums for months as we have.

Theoretically, couldn't one, once it is possible, create a musket model for the crossbow and create a different reload animation in order to mod firearm weaponry into the game?
I've got a gun model done that I should be able to get into the game pretty soon. Unfortunately, I can't get the material editor to work right and I don't really want to release it with a random texture.
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