Sergeant at Arms
My computer is a bit slow and I don't want to wait until the scene is loaded to make a mock siege. So I changed some lines in the source and now, the mock battles are automatic. I only wait for 8 hours and then it skips the battle as if I lost the battle. If you want to have this feature, I will explain how to do this.
You must have downloaded the custom settlements source and set the correctly before starting this.
Go to the line 10714 and add this under it:
Now, after you prepared the mock siege and waited 8 hours, you have one more option: "Skip mock siege"
Happy if it is useful for you.
You must have downloaded the custom settlements source and set the correctly before starting this.
Go to the line 10714 and add this under it:
("settlement_action_mock_skip",[(party_slot_eq,"$g_cur_settlement",slot_settlement_currently_occupied,1),],"Skip mock siege.",
(party_set_slot, "$g_cur_settlement", slot_settlement_currently_occupied, 0),
(jump_to_menu, "mnu_mock_battle_debrief"),
Now, after you prepared the mock siege and waited 8 hours, you have one more option: "Skip mock siege"
Happy if it is useful for you.