Grow you own drugs?

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I feel the need for a thread dedicated to people who want some drugs, without having to buy them, and face possible retaliation from the law.
E.g how refined to poppy seeds need to be to have an effect? (I suppose this would depend on the type of poppy.)
Aren't there forums for this? I know there are in Finnish. Not meaning to be rude, but I bet they'd know much better (how many actually grow poppy?).
I have a crazy rich cousin that grew drugs not too long ago. He said he didn't use them, and that he kept them as normal garden plants. In his defense, he did plant marihuana at his garden, but it sure looked as hell as he was using it, when the police crashed one of his house parties. All in all, he spent three months in jail, after which he got imprisoned again for a short period of time, for running through the whole town completely naked. And he wasn't even drunk.
Besides, to me this is like discussing piracy, a.k.a an illegal activity in most countries. So yeah ...
Don Doggy said:
Internet should be something like international waters, am I right?

Wet? :???: Nah. Every forum has his own rules, and I don't recall a rule prohibiting discussion of drugs, but I might simply not be very good at recalling rules. :razz:
Me and my friend (mostly my friend) tried to grow some weed, but we ****ed up big time. There wasn't even THC growing on the marijuana. = [
Well, it's just that in most jurisdictions growing drugs is illegal, and TW might not endorse illegal activities and all that. I have no clue to be honest, just thought it's a bit hypocritical to ban for piracy and not drugs. Meh ...
Selothi said:
Well, it's just that in most jurisdictions growing drugs is illegal, and TW might not endorse illegal activities and all that. I have no clue to be honest, just thought it's a bit hypocritical to ban for piracy and not drugs. Meh ...

Piracy damages the developers because they miss income if you download a game illegal. Drugs only harm yourself (if they even do).
That's bull, janlul. Drugs harm yourself and the people around you. To me, it sounds ridiculous someone could say piracy is worse than drugs. Everything that is wrong about piracy is basically money. But drugs damage your health, which is something far more valuable.
vadermath said:
That's bull, janlul. Drugs harm yourself and the people around you. To me, it sounds ridiculous someone could say piracy is worse than drugs. Everything that is wrong about piracy is basically money. But drugs damage your health, which is something far more valuable.

It ofcourse depends on the type of drugs eh, you cant compare coke and a joint. I'm 100% sure that smoking a joint sometimes wont harm you or anyone else whist getting addicted to coke ****es you up.
And yea, intellectual property is overrated and outdated, but I cant speak freely about that in here...
Is Maryjane really in the company of meth, crack and coke? As tobacco and alcohol are more hazardous to your health than pot, you get no liver or lung diseases from cannabis.

This post was payed by the Yo-Wanna-Get-High Corp.

Don Doggy said:
Is Maryjane really in the company of meth, crack and coke? As tobacco and alcohol are more hazardous to your health than pot, you get no liver or lung diseases from cannabis.

This post was payed by the Yo-Wanna-Get-High Corp.

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