Greek Shield

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Master Knight
Bit of a random question, but just looking for some information in to this shield design


Any info as to who it was used by, what is represents etc would be great. I'm intrigued and naive.
wasn't that called gorgoneion or somesuch? It represents a gorgon and, off the top of my head, may have been Athenian.

Edit; wikipedia at least doesn't really ascribe gorgoneion to one particular polis, so dunno really
Yes, that is supposed to be the severed head of Gorgon. In the Creek mythology, the head ended up to Athena, who attached it to her Aigis, which was usually thought to be either a shield or a armour. It was common in the art throughout the Greek world to depict, among other things, warriors wearing gorgoneion in their shields or in their chests. Also seems to have been rather common symbol among those peoples who came into contact with the Greeks.
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