Greek Mythology Mod (Idea)

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So I'm having this idea of a Greek mythology mod. Here's a list of things that would be implemented:

1. Heroes and Lords are renamed after Greek gods and epic heroes with a superweapon related to their lore (Apollo, Odysseus, Hermes, etc.).
2. New factions, some of which might be: Greece, Sparta, Thrinacia(Odysseus is king of this island), Sicily(Cyclopes Island from the Odyssey), Troy, Aeaea(Italy)
3. Remaking of the world map to look like Greece and the areas around it.
4. Sailing if at all possible.
5. New textures would be nice but probably not necessary.

I'm only good enough at modding at the moment to be able to do 1 and maybe 5** and 2*, so here is a list of things I can't do that you might want to:

1. Remake map.
2*. Factions if I can't.
3**. Textures.
4. Sailing

Post your replies, I'm open to ideas.  :shock:
Hmm well there were something like 50 of them, and I'm pretty sure most of their names aren't well known.  So I think if they were implemented it would be best to have them be a party traveling around.
TitustheBarbarian said:
Hmm well there were something like 50 of them, and I'm pretty sure most of their names aren't well known.  So I think if they were implemented it would be best to have them be a party traveling around.
yeah. if possible there could be a quest to help them
You have led me to an idea of having special parties walking around the map.  Maybe even the gods could be walking around on the map, and be superhighleveled and stuff  :razz:.  Yes they would be alone, and just to conquer them you would need like 100+ highleveled units.
TitustheBarbarian said:
You have led me to an idea of having special parties walking around the map.  Maybe even the gods could be walking around on the map, and be superhighleveled and stuff  :razz:.  Yes they would be alone, and just to conquer them you would need like 100+ highleveled units.
my god that is brilliant. you could also get special powers when you defeat gods and you could ally yourself with them
vadermath said:
Great! Make it!
do you think i'd be allowed to use the armour from Pelopenesian War. If i was allowed i'd make it

also in my signature i want to add a video i made on windows movie maker. how would i do that
Tintin - thats a good idea about the godly powers, but I don't know how to add your movie to your sig :sad:
vadermath - I need some people who are willing to help :razz:
TitustheBarbarian said:
Tintin - thats a good idea about the godly powers, but I don't know how to add your movie to your sig :sad:
vadermath - I need some people who are willing to help :razz:
maybe you could make the skills godly powers
you should also ask the makers of pelopenesian war for armour and weapons
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