post some quotes you like, or that great people have said
these are from Temujin:
"I will rule them by fixed laws, that rest and happiness shall prevail in the world."
"Those who were adept and brave fellows I have made military commanders. Those who were quick and nimble I have made herders of horses. Those who were not adept I have given a small whip and sent to be shepherds"
"With Heaven's aid I have conquered for you a huge empire. But my life was too short to achieve the conquest of the world. That task is left for you." -Temujin to his sons at the end of his life.
"All who surrender will be spared; whoever does not surrender but opposed with struggle and dissension, shall be annihilated."
"As my calling is high, the obligations incumbent upon me are also heavy; and I fear that in my ruling there may be something wanting"
"The pleasure and joy of man lies in treading down the rebel and conquering the enemy, in tearing him up by the root, in taking from him all that he has."
"If the great, the military leaders and the leaders of the many descendants of the ruler who will be born in the future, should not adhere strictly to the Yasa, then the power of the state will be shattered and come to an end, no matter how they then seek Genghis Khan, they shall not find him."
"I am the Flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon You."
"Be of one mind and one faith, that you may conquer your enemies and lead long and happy lives."
"Despite all expectations, the time of my last campaign and of my passing is near. I wish to die at home. Let not my end disarm you, and on no account weep for me, lest the enemy be warned of my death."
"Heaven has appointed me to rule all the nations, for hitherto there has been no order upon the steppes."
"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."
"If there is no means to prevent drunkenness, a man may become drunk thrice a month; if he oversteps this limit he makes himself guilty of a punishable offence. If he is drunk only twice a month, that is better - if only once, that is more praiseworthy. What could be better than that he should not drink at all? But where shall we find a man who never drinks? If, however, such a man is found, he deserves every respect."
"Woe to Christendom she has lost her shield and sword" -Mehmed II after the death of skandenberg
"Alea iacta est" -Gaius julius Caesar
"As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see than about what they can." - Gaius Julius Caesar
"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience." -Gaius Julius Caesar
Veni Vidi Vici -Gaius julius Caesar
"The priest will stay. If he does not want to get up with the others on judgement day, he may well keep lying on his back." - Frederick the great Answer to the request of a parish in Pommerania to send a new priest, as the present one had ventured to deny the resurrection on judgement day.
"All Religions are equal and good, if only the people that practise them are honest people; and if Turks and heathens came and wanted to live here in this country, we would build them mosques and churches."
-Frederick the great
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O, Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." -Voltaire
"Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung." - Voltaire
"God is always on the side of the big battalions." - voltaire
"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." -Voltaire
these are from Temujin:
"I will rule them by fixed laws, that rest and happiness shall prevail in the world."
"Those who were adept and brave fellows I have made military commanders. Those who were quick and nimble I have made herders of horses. Those who were not adept I have given a small whip and sent to be shepherds"
"With Heaven's aid I have conquered for you a huge empire. But my life was too short to achieve the conquest of the world. That task is left for you." -Temujin to his sons at the end of his life.
"All who surrender will be spared; whoever does not surrender but opposed with struggle and dissension, shall be annihilated."
"As my calling is high, the obligations incumbent upon me are also heavy; and I fear that in my ruling there may be something wanting"
"The pleasure and joy of man lies in treading down the rebel and conquering the enemy, in tearing him up by the root, in taking from him all that he has."
"If the great, the military leaders and the leaders of the many descendants of the ruler who will be born in the future, should not adhere strictly to the Yasa, then the power of the state will be shattered and come to an end, no matter how they then seek Genghis Khan, they shall not find him."
"I am the Flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon You."
"Be of one mind and one faith, that you may conquer your enemies and lead long and happy lives."
"Despite all expectations, the time of my last campaign and of my passing is near. I wish to die at home. Let not my end disarm you, and on no account weep for me, lest the enemy be warned of my death."
"Heaven has appointed me to rule all the nations, for hitherto there has been no order upon the steppes."
"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."
"If there is no means to prevent drunkenness, a man may become drunk thrice a month; if he oversteps this limit he makes himself guilty of a punishable offence. If he is drunk only twice a month, that is better - if only once, that is more praiseworthy. What could be better than that he should not drink at all? But where shall we find a man who never drinks? If, however, such a man is found, he deserves every respect."
"Woe to Christendom she has lost her shield and sword" -Mehmed II after the death of skandenberg
"Alea iacta est" -Gaius julius Caesar
"As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see than about what they can." - Gaius Julius Caesar
"It is easier to find men who will volunteer to die, than to find those who are willing to endure pain with patience." -Gaius Julius Caesar
Veni Vidi Vici -Gaius julius Caesar
"The priest will stay. If he does not want to get up with the others on judgement day, he may well keep lying on his back." - Frederick the great Answer to the request of a parish in Pommerania to send a new priest, as the present one had ventured to deny the resurrection on judgement day.
"All Religions are equal and good, if only the people that practise them are honest people; and if Turks and heathens came and wanted to live here in this country, we would build them mosques and churches."
-Frederick the great
"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O, Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it." -Voltaire
"Anything that is too stupid to be spoken is sung." - Voltaire
"God is always on the side of the big battalions." - voltaire
"It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." -Voltaire