Gothic Armor & Weapons (5th-6th century)

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The Master

Could someone get me some of those or at least give me the link??
And yes i'v searched it in google and nothing comes to me...
Lock-idoo, Lock-idoo
Why don't you come, dear chum
Shut away the troubles, keep the doors of stupidity closed,
And never let this one bother us again, lest we dazed,
by the profound debility, and ...

**** it ...

NO U !
Er...mate, you'll have to be more clear on what you mean by "get you" 5th-6th century armor and weapons.

You want to buy them online? Try a better google search.
Lol i think you got me wrong... i want IMAGEEEEES oooooooor PICTUREEEES..... not the real ones sorry if i wasn't explicit enough
Well, here's a picture of a Visigoth warrior:


You may need to google around for Visigoths and Ostrogoths. Simply looking for Goths will result in too many false results.
There are other image search engines other than yahoo (not photobucket, just a bunch of dip****s taking pictures of themselves).  I'm sure google won't mind if you try yahoo or ask.
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