Got me a Noldor Knight!!

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....and he got couched in our very first battle by some stupid snake cult warrior or something.  Our 7 seconds together on the battlefield were truly glorious, albeit much shorter than I had anticipated.  It was mostly my fault for holding the cavalry up while my archers climbed up the hill I was placing them on.  The thing that sucks was that I had been scouring the map looking for Noldors held prisoner for so long and I could never find any.  I even tried to lure Jatu raiders and snake cults over to them in the hopes the Noldor would lose and get taken prisoner.  I watched a 12 man Noldor party tear a 40 man Jatu party to pieces then a 41 man snake cult troop apart.  So I kind of gave up and was wandering around doing my thing when I noticed a Sarleone caravan come by with a Noldor Knight and an elf scout prisoner.  Now my faction is not at war with the Sarleone but I wanted to check out these Noldor so I attacked it.  I lost a bunch of my men but managed to win and I got my 2 Noldor troops.  I was so happy....until.
The thing that really blows is now I'm enemy #1 with the Sarleone.  They went and sacked my only fief Nomar 3 times in a row.  As soon as it got back on it's feet another lord would go and trash it lol.  So I guess it wasn't worth it in the end.  I'm still going to keep searching until I get a little Noldor troop up though.  I really like those little guys for some reason.
I know a lot of people don't really care if they get them or not or will say they are too expensive but I got tons of cash and I want to make a small elite force to crush people with and Noldor seem to be the most brutal troops you can get.
Wait till a Jatu or Snake army appears. Wait a few days more to allow them to capture som elves, scout Jatu and snake lands, engage smaller bands with Noldor prisoners near big armies: they'll not only not run away but chase you as long as they're near their army. I keep milking those lesser bands and get tons of elfs, rogue knights and high tier soldiers of every faction. Rinse and repeat.
Also works with vikings, Mistymountain men and Heretics.
Yeah that's what I've been doing down by the bottom of the map.  I just got a few more so I have about 3 knights and maybe 5 archers of Noldor.  I should be good for now.  I did notice the Noldor parties are getting a bit smaller so in due time they'll get captured I'm assuming.  Kind of like that Heretic army, they eventually get worn down into a weaker state and get captured.
I did think I'd be a smart ass and take on a smaller troop of Noldor.  They only had one knight and the rest archers.  "piece of cake" I thought to myself....I got lucky and lanced the Knight right off his horse right in the beginning (kind of like what happened to my first one lol) and got cocky figuring I had this fight in the bag.  Then I quickly got one-shotted off my horse.  So we came back again with the same result haha.  I was at full gallop too and the little bugger nailed me.  Luckily my remaining army finished up the job for me.  We came off with 2 rangers as prisoners and I offered them freedom to join my ranks and they accepted.  Then I checked my party and they were gone lol.  They accepted freedom just so they could make a beeline for the forest...
Anyway I think I'm good for now.  I'll go kick someone's ass and come back in a while to see if there's any fresh prisoners for me to liberate.
I have 3 Noldor Noble Knights and 2 Hero Adventurers. I don't bring them out of my castle though. It was hard (and just a stroke of luck: rescued prisoners) getting them. :grin: I only bring them with me when I'm headed for a serious battlefield, like taking siege of a castle, when I'd need all the help I could get.

I did a test battle with them though. It was pretty sweet. They really plow through enemy infantry, and if they don't get cheapshot by a jousting low level opponent, they can kill most cavalry easily too.
Hanakoganei said:
I have 3 Noldor Noble Knights and 2 Hero Adventurers. I don't bring them out of my castle though. It was hard (and just a stroke of luck: rescued prisoners) getting them. :grin: I only bring them with me when I'm headed for a serious battlefield, like taking siege of a castle, when I'd need all the help I could get.

I did a test battle with them though. It was pretty sweet. They really plow through enemy infantry, and if they don't get cheapshot by a jousting low level opponent, they can kill most cavalry easily too.

Those guys own the field, unless faced with demonic warriors, but are too expensive to keep around in my regular war party. Therefore I use them as garrison troops and, as you said, for specially tough battles like when I want to beat a bandit army or want to capture a king, great ransoms btw.
There ought to be a noldor quest
maybe where you go around summoning all the remaining Noldor to ressurect the Noldor kingdom and show those other fellows the meaning of Noldor wrath.
or you could just kill there chief and go Gengis Khan all over them.
anyway Noldor are sweet
TheBlackMephistopheles said:
anyway Noldor are sweet

Sort of... They have the curse of 'the other' I find though - whenever I use them they suck and whenever 'they' use them I feel very sorry indeed for my poor army. I massed 5 knights, 20 rangers and about 20ish scouts, charged forth and! ... died. Stupid ranting treehugging bastards.
I find it usefull to have only few Noldor knights and perhaps a few rangers/scouts to protect my archers from enemy infantry. Wardens and Grey archers are much more effective when used by player.
You dont charge forth with Noldors - you post the infantry somewhere nice and fine where they´ve got clear sight and shooting range, tell them to hold fire and wait till the enemy advances to a reasonable level, hit f5 again and watch the mass-dying. Infantry ready just behind the archers to deepend the ranks and hold up a possible cav charge and to slaughter the few remainders.

Your cav intercepts enemy cav or hide´s somewhere on a flank and waits for its glorious day. That´s working wonders, against any infantry heavy opponenet as well as troops with light cav. Heavy cav will give you some trouble but they´re usually too slow for your NNK and thus get headshotted all way long.

Infantry/Archer heavy armies need more micromanaging than pure heavy cav - and if you got special soldiers you worship regularily you will watch them close. I shared a tear or two when finally my one lonely Hero Adventurer who made it from the gazillion recruits of the lowest rank of a Southern Young Noble perished after raking in scores of kills in half a dozen pitched battles against the Fierdsvain where I was usually outnumbered 3-6:1. Hooray for PoP 2.0 Betatesting!

And archers are best in pure brute masses. The more, the better.
noosers said:
And archers are best in pure brute masses. The more, the better.

I have an army with 70% archers and 25% cavalry. Usally enemy can't even hit my first ranks. And the more Noldors i have the easier battles are :grin:
noosers said:
You dont charge forth with Noldors - you post the infantry somewhere nice and fine where they´ve got clear sight and shooting range, tell them to hold fire and wait till the enemy advances to a reasonable level, hit f5 again and watch the mass-dying. Infantry ready just behind the archers to deepend the ranks and hold up a possible cav charge and to slaughter the few remainders.

Your cav intercepts enemy cav or hide´s somewhere on a flank and waits for its glorious day. That´s working wonders, against any infantry heavy opponenet as well as troops with light cav. Heavy cav will give you some trouble but they´re usually too slow for your NNK and thus get headshotted all way long.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that pretty much standard military op for the time period? :smile: Although ideally you'd want your formation on a hill with the infantry slighty in front of the ranged attackers (and therefore lower and out of shot).
No. I want the infantry BEHIND my archers. Half the archers aren´t firing if I deploy my infantry in front of the archers - and a few of them get shot in the back too.
And basic military behaviour - well, its just good old common sense.

When I deploy a heavy archer/infantry army (IF I am leading around a war party - my army is divided into roughly three equally strong groups of heavy cav, infantry and archers) I usually do it only when facing infantry heavy (no shields - hello, Light Inf, Berserkers, Halberdiers) - the RRangers with their evil wicked 2 handed swords form the first rank. They do outstanding markmanship against any foe and cut down fast and agile horses pretty well too - the riders landing amidst a horde of battlelusting Kiergards who chop them dead pretty fast with their axes. If the horses are more heavy they´re usually caught in my third rank, the heavy cav deployed and waiting for their breaking charge.

I´ve never been a fan of Noldor´s or mixed armies, I usually use my nations unit. And they´re strong enoungh. :razz:

But everyone as he likes. I do rather employ  3 Ravenstern Knights for 1 Noldor Noble Knight or 2 Pendor Grey/Ravenstern2.0Rangers for a single Noldor Ranger/Warrior.
I had a very large number of Noldor's in my garrisons and army in my last play through, expensive but everyone knows their advantages. Most of them, probably 90%, were rescued by 2s or 3s from the 40-ish  size split-off groups of the Snake Cult armies. Very few from the Jatus, that huge Jatu army only split off a few small enough groups that I thought were feasible to take on. I never fought the Noldors, high relation with them for helping. Some have mentioned good loot from them if you manage to defeat them, I'm guessing their swords must be great, I notice that any knight that gets near a Noldor scout or archer is dead after one hit from a Noldor sword, it must be awesome against heavy armor. Defending sieges, one or 2 Noldor knights in the breach along with my companions was like a wall of steel. As a newbie in this game I'm still trying to figure out how the game places my troops either defending or assaulting in a siege.It seems it usually, but not always, goes by the order on the roster, but I've placed troops on the very bottom of my roster that I didn't want assaulting or defending and had them show up in the most dangerous spots to my dismay. Troops like recruits, peasant women I wanted to train up later, Noldor scouts I wanted to conserve, I sure didn't want them assaulting or defending and I cannot understand why they showed up in front when I had them at the very bottom of my roster on a fairly large army (100-150 or so). Could it be because I'm using the battle sizer, set at 150?

I"m waiting with anticipation to the new version, playing some other mods as well. I hope I'm not out of line mentioning this, but there has been a large mod uploaded here early last month that I'm finding is excellent, with no mention anywhere or a sub-forum of its own that I think it deserves. Interesting and challenging factions,one with infantry only, and a very nice world map with very, very few glitches or bugs. Valaria is the name of the mod, Again I hope I'm not out of line or in the wrong place on this, but thought I'd mention it, as I'm eagerly awaiting the new version of PoP and wanted to try some others in the meantime. Enjoyed the Hundred Years War, Custom Settlements and Britania 1080 mods as well, but I'll be jumping right back in to Pendor as soon as the new release is out.

The NNK aren´t on the pictures though - they weren´t needed. And I since I was at the frontlines taking the screens I wasn´t able to get one of a NNK before the battle was over. I may as well take on later this week but I reckon IF I do so you´ll hate your current ones for looking ugly.
noosers said:
No. I want the infantry BEHIND my archers. Half the archers aren´t firing if I deploy my infantry in front of the archers - and a few of them get shot in the back too.

Hence the 'on a hill and below the line of fire' business. Though if M&B's engine is a little off it's possible they'd still get hit. I never checked on it.
I've got 15 various Noldor archers and about 15 greys and a few lower tier archers.  It seems nothing can withstand that arrow shower.  Especially enemy lords who line up in a nice row and stand there forever before they charge.  I just wait off to the side with my cavalry who are also firing arrows and try to charge 'em from the side.  Jatu and sometimes those damn cobra warriors with the lances manage to get through and seem to cause most of my casualties.
noosers said:
No. I want the infantry BEHIND my archers. Half the archers aren´t firing if I deploy my infantry in front of the archers - and a few of them get shot in the back too.
And basic military behaviour - well, its just good old common sense.

When I deploy a heavy archer/infantry army (IF I am leading around a war party - my army is divided into roughly three equally strong groups of heavy cav, infantry and archers) I usually do it only when facing infantry heavy (no shields - hello, Light Inf, Berserkers, Halberdiers) - the RRangers with their evil wicked 2 handed swords form the first rank. They do outstanding markmanship against any foe and cut down fast and agile horses pretty well too - the riders landing amidst a horde of battlelusting Kiergards who chop them dead pretty fast with their axes. If the horses are more heavy they´re usually caught in my third rank, the heavy cav deployed and waiting for their breaking charge.

I´ve never been a fan of Noldor´s or mixed armies, I usually use my nations unit. And they´re strong enoungh. :razz:

But everyone as he likes. I do rather employ  3 Ravenstern Knights for 1 Noldor Noble Knight or 2 Pendor Grey/Ravenstern2.0Rangers for a single Noldor Ranger/Warrior.

noosers right. your infantry should really only attack at the very last moment or when the enemy has just gotten midway up your hill(i love hills) meanwhile your cavalry waits to charge the melee flank and damage the infantry while it's busy dealing with yours. another technique i like to do is to put my infantry on an angle at the ranged units side with the cavalry behind my archers. That way any cavalry attacks my infantry outgrowth first and when the enemy infatry enters my trap i launch my cavalry right through the archers. it looks somewhat like a defensive V formation with one arm archers facing straight at the enemy and the infantry line slightly at an angle. this is of course if your strongest units are cavalry.
TheBlackMephistopheles said:
noosers right. your infantry should really only attack at the very last moment or when the enemy has just gotten midway up your hill(i love hills) meanwhile your cavalry waits to charge the melee flank and damage the infantry while it's busy dealing with yours.

And yet if the infantry is in the back their charge is hindered by the wall of archers in the way. Further any range equipped infantry (particularly the Legionnaire line) will underperform. Several infantry units are equipped with thrown weapons, which have a short range to begin with. Assuming they could get a clear shot the limited throwing range is exacerbated by being farther back, whereas your bow wielding archers are unhindered by the extra distance and shouldn't be charging in the first place so they couldn't care less that there's a shieldwall in front of them. In fact, they like it.

I'll have to try your other tactic though, sounds interesting.
please remember that it's all about the timing. while the cavalry behind archers might be faster, any timing mistake is gonna cost you greatly. you need to tell you infantry to charge earlier than in a standard infantry behind archers. Oh and if that infantry wants to sand there and throw javelins at your noldor instead of charging well........ enough said.
It´s not even all about the timing, but your army mix and the opposing army mix as well. The most satiesfying for me opposing Fierdsvain as Ravenstern is the aforementioned deployment of troops.

The little plus is that RRangers (2.0, booted) are absolutely deadly close-range. So when the Fierdsvainers start lowering their shields to throw weapons a hefty score of those top units get heatshoted at point blank range - something a few thrown axes or spears won´t achieve.

And to observe the clouds of blood from those poor sods from a safe distance just seconds before you order teh heavy cav and infantry to rush in and mass the remaining enemies to rubble is just.... nice.
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