got banned for stabbing someone on some nw_offical_eu_1

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some guy stabbed me on nw_offical_eu_1 i chased him and stabbed him and now i'm banned. what do? it probably gave the impression of him being the innocent

people get away with like 5 tks with no kick and this happens wtf

if a moderator is reading this i can pm you for my ip
i have no idea. it said 'you have been kicked from the server' i heard a noise my health was low chased the perpetrator and stabbed him lol. i was suprised as trolls always kick and poke people. i tried to rejoin and it said you have been banned
Well, even if somebody else teamkills you, you should not do the same
" an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

Temporary bans are 1hr, permanent are well in the name, unless you are unbanned

seeing as this is longer than 1hr, please wait until Praetorian gets back to you
cenzila said:
Well, even if somebody else teamkills you, you should not do the same
" an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

"So rip out both his eyes so he cant make you blind"
King Ragnarok said:
"So rip out both his eyes so he cant make you blind"

This. If you ever choose to retaliate, do it so hard that he can't counter. The only way to do this in a moderated environment (or rather one where deaths aren't permanent...) is to bring it up with an admin.
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